Sunday, February 1, 2015

Memorial Day & An Accident

Little Miss Sadie was being baptized over Memorial Day weekend, so we had an informal reunion at Jeremy's house in Kirksville, MO.  Saturday was spent celebrating her special day and enjoying family time.  Jackson and Jonah convinced us to pack their bikes so that they could go on a bike ride with their cousins.  We thought that sounded and fun and set out for a fun ride/walk around the neighborhood.  

We stopped here to see the horses.  As we were looking, Jackson comes speeding down this steep hill on his bike.  Donna made the comment about how he scares her and I shrugged it off saying, "Boys will be boys", when all of the sudden Jonah follows suit.  I then said, "HE is the one that scares me".  No sooner after I got that out of my mouth we watch him lose control and fly off over his handle bars, face planting into the blacktop.   

Justin and I run over to him to find blood everywhere and his chin cracked open.  We said we needed to get him to the hospital right away and Justin starts running back to Jeremy's house with Jonah in his arms.  Jeremy takes off and runs to get his van and picks us up to rush to the ER.  He ended up with 2 layers of sutures because it was so deep. He was so brave though, but it sure scared mommy!!

While we were at the hospital Donna texted me a sweet picture of the kids with a note for Jonah saying "Feel better, we love you!"

After cleaning him up, and some drugged up smiles.  They gave him some medicine to help relax him during the stitchs process which left him a bit loopy.  

After we got back to Jeremy's house he saw all the bikes laying on the grass and asked if the bike ride was over.  We told him yes and he started bawling saying he wanted to finish the bike ride.  I guess it's a good thing he wanted to get back on the bike, but it scared me to even think about getting on it again.   Within an hour he was doing this... 

Justin took him back to the hill the next day for a photo op.  

Monday we spent the day at the Lake and the park.  We had a picnic, played at the park, and rented a pontoon. 

Morgan and I with our preggo bellies.  Me due in June, Morgan due in August. 

These goofy cousins getting ready for the boat ride.

Jeremy brought his fishing pole and let the boys have a try with it.  No catches however.  

Everyone took their turn as captain.  The kids LOVED being able to drive.

Especially this little man (who would NOT leave his life jacket on without complete meltdowns.  Perhaps we are bad parents, but don't worry, he was in our arms the entire time.)  He loved the wind blowing in his hair!  

School Graduations

Jonah graduated from his first year of preschool with the high school preschool program.  He loved it and I was very pleased with how the 2nd semester ran things.  His graduation program was so stinkin' cute, and they totally spoiled the kids.  They had a big ice cream bar afterwards and gave them each a huge bucket full of toys.  He received the award "Most likely to be a Packer's football player when he grows up"  Side Note: we don't even watch NFL football, but Jonah has it in his mind that he is a big Greenbay Packer fan.  Only because he has a friend who truly is a fan.  It cracks me up how much he talks about it, enough to be given that award! ;)  


Jackson graduated from Kindergarten.  They put on a cute little kinder program for their parents on the last day of school.  He enjoyed his class so much and has made so many friends. Here they are doing their goofy faces!   

Jackson and his teacher Ms. Huvaere.  She was a cute teacher! 

And his three best friends Danity (his "crush"... but don't tell him I told ya), Meredith, and Brynn.
And Jackson and his friend Zane.

Magnificent May

May brought interesting weather our way... this was taken during a tornado watch at church one day... yikes!  Luckily nothing touched ground.  

Then we had this... that's right, those little white specs are snowflakes!  Not what we like to see in MAY!

Jackson also started his soccer season in May.  We just love watching him play sports and see the joy he gets from doing so.  He had a great spring season with this team!  

I took the boys to Animal Mania one Saturday.  I loved seeing this owl up close and the boys had fun with all the games.  (The other boys were there too, not sure why I only have good pics of Jonah!)

Justin took the older boys on the father's son campout.  They loved it of course!
I got this text that night with a caption that said, "Happen's everytime."  Two years in a row now Jonah soaked his shoes and pants in water and mud.  Made me giggle!  

The days slowly started to warm up, so we took advantage of some outside time.  In fact, we even had some HOT days and busted out the slip n slide!  Daddy set up the boys new bball hoop, which of course was a big hit with Jackson.  

A Steak N Shake trip after school one afternoon...

And this baby continues to grow.  WHOA MAMA!