Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dedicated to Uncle Lane and Aunt Whitney

Jackson loves to sport his Cincinnati Red's pride!! Uncle Lane and Aunt Whitney gave him this super cute outfit so that he would remember them in Cincinnati. And here is the little Ken Griffey Jr. crawling his way into all of our hearts! He wishes he could see that Aunt and Uncle more, but don't worry, everytime he sports that outfit I remind him of ya! Love you guys!


Amy said...

He is getting SOOOOOOOOOOO cute, I can't even stand it!! Bring that baby to Boise!

Emily Empey said...

oh so so cute!! He looks adorable in that outfit!!!

Whitney Blake said...

Thanks for the post Hay!!! Lane and I love it! It totally makes us so happy. Spring Training starts this week so Jackson is right on schedule with the outfit. We miss him so much... Love you guys

Kim said...

OH fan from the start! thats the way to go! I think he looks adorable...perhaps I should get him some Braves attire?!? Ha ha, just kidding. I forgot to tell you that Devin and I are most likely going to Chicago this summer for my roommate Stefani's wedding! So I need to talk to you and get ideas on what is fun...or at least Justin can give me some. I know you have been there too! But anyway. I hope you had a fantastic B-day!!! Love your guts!

Jamie Blake said...

tender!!! he looks sooo cute!

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

What a fun outfit to wear on V-dau too! I had to SEARCH to find anything red in Addy's pink wardrobe. Tell Jackson to be a good boy for mom!