Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Rexburg Temple

We are so excited to have a new temple on the hill here in Rexburg, Idaho!! It has been especilly exciting to watch it being built from the ground breaking-- to entering into it tonight! We were able to go to the open house (along with a lot of you) and it was so beautiful! We were also excited to have the new prophet, President Monson, come and dedicate it. They are really encouraging people to bring their own family names to this temple and so Justin and I have been trying to work on our family history each sunday. Tonight will be the first time that we will get to go since it has been dedicated. I am so excited to only have to drive 2 minutes rather than 40 minutes to go to the temple. What a blessing!!


Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

The Temple looks beautiful! I wish I could see it all finished.

Jamie Blake said...

how neat! I liked seeing all the pictures of the progress. we are going tonight as well, and are so excited!

Kim said...

I love this temple!!! I hope that I can go through it some day. I love that it is up on the hill...!

Andrews Family said...

Hey, what's the deal? Isn't this the blog that I kind of liked?? ha ha