I took a cake decorating enrichment night a couple of months ago and had a lot of fun! So we had the Relief Society Birthday Party yesterday and Wanting to use my newly found cake decorating skill, I signed up to make a cake. I had the recipe for the frosting and thought it would be easy. (I never understood how someone could be a bad cook if they had a recipe in front of them. I've always been successful following a recipe). The first thing it said was to add water and meringue powder, mix on high until it peaks. I didn't really know what that meant and after mixing for a couple of minutes I decided to add the rest of the ingredients. Once I started I realized it wasn't turning out how I thought it should be. It had great flavor, but it was clumping up and not looking much like frosting. So I decided I probably needed to follow the directions of letting it "peak." I called my mom to clarify what this meant and she told me it would take a lot of mixing and to be patient. I mixed this on high for about 1/2 hour and it still wasn't doing much. Again, the flavor was delicious but it was very grainy from the sugar and not smooth. Needless to say, I decided to go to the store and buy the frosting because mine just didn't turn out right.
(Sorry for the novel, but this isn't the end of the story) Afterwords, I realized that the recipe called for confectioners' sugar. Me, not really paying much attention, just though of it meant granulated sugar... not powdered sugar. HMMM that probably would have made a BIG difference in it not feeling so "grainy!" :)
The moral of the story... even if you have a recipe in front of you, you can still be a bad cook! :)
OH man, that is so funny. I love it. You are so good to go to enrichment AND to sign up to bring things! Sheesh!
That is the story of my life. (: I took a cake decorating class at Michaels, it was the greatest!! I use to make a cake for Lane once a month and decorate it all fun. It turned out great!!
Great job on the cake! Looks good and yummy!
I think you did a great job! I bet it tasted as good as it looked!
What a beautiful cake!! That is a fun idea for enrichment... I should have done that for my birthday dinner. Any other awesome quarterlies I should know about? I am glad you shared your cooking story. It is nice to know I am not the only one who has blunders in the kitchen.
i am a horrible cook!!! but the cake looks beautiful and yummy-- in fact i am going to go get a cake now i am craving one!! love ya
i think you did a marvelous job! plus that is a really funny story!
Tha't so funny! I was with your mom when you kept calling and I kept thinking, it really shouldn't take that long to get stiff and start looking like frosting... but I guess with granulated sugar it probably does! At least the finished product turned out cute!
Tha't so funny! I was with your mom when you kept calling and I kept thinking, it really shouldn't take that long to get stiff and start looking like frosting... but I guess with granulated sugar it probably does! At least the finished product turned out cute!
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