Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A bunch of Randomness... but mostly the little man!

This morning I woke up to this: This is a momentous thing because from what I heard it is very rare to see this beautiful white fluffy stuff here in Tennessee. It came down good for a while and it really was fluffy pretty snow. I thought about going out with Jackson to play in it, but then I thought, "Nah, we are both in our Jammies and we haven't eaten breakfast, and its nice and warm in the apartment." Plus Jackson wanted to "watch a movie" so we cuddled up and did that instead and watched the snow fall from the window. An hour later the sun came out and now it is almost completely melted besides a couple of spots where there is still a little skiff on the ground... Tennessee snow for ya.
Jackson is so funny because he just started doing this thing were he wants a movie. He'll go up to the DVD cabinet in our entertainment center (he can't get into it though because it is child proof), then he'll pull out the drawer with the DVD player in it, then once Justin or I starts to put the DVD in the player he runs over to his chair so that we can move it and put it in front of the TV; all the while he is saying "movie" (it sounds more like miii, he can't quite get the "ove" part of the word). Anyway, it is really cute. The only movies he really watches are Baby Signing Time or an animation movie my Grandma Gardner got us called Scripture Bugs. He loves those ones.
Jackson love his mommy! In fact this is what I hear all day long, "Moooommy, mommy, mama, mommy." It is so cute! :) I got a video of him saying it. He says it in the video, but he usually says it so much more. I love these pictures in this layout because he is starting to do things to be like mommy. He got this vacuum for Christmas and it is such a cute toy. When he pushes it along it sings songs and makes other noises. The other day when I was vacuuming he was pushing his vacuum around too.
In the second picture he has on my fuzzy slippers. He loves to put things on (like shoes/hats/necklaces etc.) and my fuzzy slippers are the best for him because he can actually walk around with them on.
Enjoy these videos:
1- saying mommy
2-showing his body parts. My camera died in the middle.. he knows almost everything on his body. My favorite is when I ask where his tongue is.
3-walking around with my slippers


Morgan said...

we too hear the "DO DA" song all day. Sorry about the snow not stickin! But at least you got some! Hope things are well!
Hope to hear back from you soon!

Jamie Blake said...

First of all, Hay! Your scrapbook pages look so cute! I am very impressed with your skills. And second of all, Jackson is ADORABLE and he is getting so big! I love it! I can't wait for you guys to visit in a couple of months! I will have to soak that all up because I miss seeing you guys all the time! Love you!

Grandma Gardner said...

Oh my gosh, I can't wait to see that little guy! Teach him how to say Great-Grams. Snow in Memphis, huh! Soon you will be in the middle of SNOW in IF!

Iola Blake said...

Dang! He is too cute!!! I can't believe how much he has changed just since November. I can't wait to get my arms around that boy.

Love you all

Audra said...

Oh I miss that little man! He has such a good vocab! Kate doesn't say mommy only mama. And his uh-oh is so cute! When are you coming back? Let me know so we can visit and play!

Amy said...

"Hey Gackon!" That's what Easton said when I asked if he wanted to write a note to Jackson :) He LOVED watching these videos... he kept saying "more Gackon". Jacks is so, so cute. It's crazy how much he has grown up since we saw him last... I can't wait to see him (and you too... hearing your voice made me think about how much we miss you guys)!!

Kim said...

Oh my GOODNESS! those videos are TOO cute! I love his little voice. And...Just so you know, I am positive that him and Hallie are meant to be. as I was playing the videos, she was in the swing behind me just chilling and then when the first one started, she heard his little voice and started cooing. So then I go her out of the swing and sat her on my lap to watch the rest and she was enthralled. Yep, she loves him already.

Johnson Fam said...

OH MAN I MISS HIM....He's growing so much even since Christmas, well and getting smarter too. I love the video's......I can't wait to see him again.

Whitney Blake said...

Snow, how fun!! I remember the first time it snowed when we first moved to Cincy, I was sooo excited it reminded me of ID. I love the videos, he is such a little love.

Hartsheart2heart said...

How cute to hear him talk. Love the lalalalalalala tongue. He is such a cutie. :o)

Morgan said...

I just got to sit down and finally watch those videos...so so cute! I love his little voice!

Emily Empey said...

OHHH how stinkin cute was all that!!! He is sooo big! How fun! I love the tongye one as well! And i LLLLOOOVVVVEE his face looking at you on the last video!! so soso cute!

Diane said...

Haylee he is to cute! I can't believe he is talking. I think he is still smaller than Carter.