Monday, January 26, 2009

The Cast of the Blake Family

Dad: I debated between Tom Hanks and George Clooney. Tom Hanks is one of my all time fav actors and he resembles my daddio. Clooney however is one of the most handsome older men, and in my eyes my dad is also the most handsome older man! I could see Clooney in Jackson Hole working on some manly project like building a cabin or a fence or something! :)

Mom: My gorgeous mother has been told a lot about how much she looks like Michelle Pfeiffer.... I have to agree!

Todd: I know absolutely nothing about Jude Law but when I was looking up actors he kept coming up and I have to say they look a lot alike. (so if this guys is a horrible person or plays in bad movies or something, I'm sorry!) :)

Amy: Anne Hathoway with her beautiful brown eyes and dark hair. Amy is the sweetest gal ever and when I think of Anne Hathoway I think of a sweet person.

Lane: Jim Carey of course! Jim Carey with all his goofiness would definitely be the perfect person to play my brother Lane!

Whitney: The Stunning Cameron Diaz! When I think of Diaz I think he has her own little flair and spunk to her, just as Whit- my wonderful sis-in-law!

Bryce aka BUB: Kevin James! He is one hilarious actor and he just seems to have a laid back, go with the flow type personality... which describes Bubman perfectly!

Jamie: If I were to describe Jamie in one word it would be "Talented"! She is so talented in all she does and when I think of an extremely talented actress I think of Sandra Bullock!

Me: None other than Meg Ryan! Meg is also one of my all time favorite actresses! I have been told I have a resemblance and that I have some of Meg Ryan's mannerisms in certain movies.

Justin: When most people think of the most sexy man on earth they think of Brad Pitt. When I think of the most sexy man on Earth I think of Justin Johnson! Who else would play him?! :)
Okay, this was totally fun to do! If any of you other family members are bored and get a chance I think it would be hilarious to see who you picked to be the cast of our family!


Emily Empey said...

isn't that so much fun to do!! I loved it!! Its fun t osee who everyon comes up with!

Tina said...

That's such a fun post! BTW Jude Law is my boyfriend. :)

Amy said...

haha fun post, Hay!! That picture of Jude Law really does resemble Todd!

Audra said...

I think Jude Law is hot. I think he is a good actor and he does look a lot like Todd. Those comparisons are very good! It was funny to read.

Haylee said...

haha i just read more about Jude Law and he is known as a "golden boy"... once again another reason he should be Todd. Todd is jokingly called the "golden child" in our family! :)

Iola Blake said...

OK, so I was told once, several years ago I looked like Michelle Phiffer... I'm thinking she must have had a nose job if that was the case... BTW thanks for using my skinny picture. Good job on everyone else.

Grandma Gardner said...

What a good looking cast. I'm sure the Emmy will be the reward. And my reward is knowing they are all my family too!

Jamie Blake said...

that post was pretty much hilarious! Bryce will get a kick out of the fact that you casted him as Albert Brenneman (on "Hitch")! And I will take you casting me as Sandra Bullock as a compliment because she is BEAUTIFUL and one of my fav movies of all time is "While You Were Sleeping!"

Hartsheart2heart said...

How much fun is this?!!! I will have to think hard & long who I would like to play me.......hmmmm...... my favorite actresses of old are Kathryn Hepburn &

Hartsheart2heart said...

... Audrey Hepburn. But for the actresses like 80's & on....?????? who knows. This is a fun one to think about. I may just have to do this one. Eventually that is. I have a few things to catch up on. Oh & I need your help. I tried to do a feedburner subscribe thingey... 45 minutes & I don't have it right. I have a thingey on my page, but it is not the right thingey. HELP!!!!!!! Thanks. TTYS!! Cheryl ;o)

Hartsheart2heart said...

Haylee.... my email address is


Alisha said...

I didn't know that you had such famous family! Great Post!

Johnson Fam said...

So tell me how to post the look alike pics. AND I'm GAME!!!

HOW did a good job with the look alikes and such too.

Hartsheart2heart said...

Haylee.... You have known me for a very long time... we have known each other for an eternity... and before I left heaven & came through the veil... all my friends were there to send me off & you guys were cheering me & we all hugged & kissed & we said to each other just before I left... "See you on the other side!!!" I love you girl..... my forever friend!!!! Cheryl

Abby said...

haha- that was fun to see what your fam is like. what a hot fam you got there! I think I'll pass on this one- it would take me WAY too long !!!

Whitney Blake said...

What a fun post! I love your blog you are always keeping it fresh and fun, I am totally blogged out- I am taking a break from blogging for a while. I told Lane about who you picked for him and he wants a further explanation on why Jim Carrey. I am okay with Cameron Diaz I usually get paired with Reese Witherspoon so this was a fun change.

Shurtliff Family said...

That is too funny Hay! I can't believe how much some of your family members do look like the celebrities. Crazy!

Also, I would LOVE, LOVE to meet up when you come to Idaho. Kim and I were talking about us all getting together, maybe trying out the potluck thing again. It would be party central! Let me know what you think!

Katie said...

THat was fun!

Diane said...

Cute idea Haylee. I understand about the snow.....Dallas was pretty much shut down today. We have so many over passes here that it makes for crazy driving. BTW I need help on how you post 4 pictures in one box. Can you help me?????

Morgan said...

Donna and I were trying to think about who we would all be, and we pretty much sucked it up. Sure don't know who we'd all be! So great job on yours!

Mansell Six said...

That is so GREAT!! I can't believe how dead on you were!! I'm liking that whole idea...I think I should figure out my family too!