The show was AMAZING to say the least. We all thoroughly enjoyed it (we went with his brother and wife).
Funny story: We left for Chi-town early knowing we would have to eat lunch on the way and in order to get to the theatre early. But for some reason no one kept track of the time while we were eating lunch and we took way to long to eat. We got in the car with 30 mins to spare until the show started. This wouldn't have been a problem except for the fact that we hit BUMPER TO BUMPER traffic. We were crawling along at the slowest speed possible and were freaking out that we were going to miss the show. (Not to mention the fact that we almost got killed by some psycho truck driver who purposely cut us off twice and then started to ride our tail after I honked my horn at him... come on it's Chicago Traffic--I'm entitled to have road rage right?!) Finally we made it to our exit and Morgan and I thought that we should rush to the first parking garage we could find. Little did we know that we still had A MILE (okay more like .7 miles, but for exaggerations sake I'm going with a mile) to the theatre with EIGHT MINUTES till the show started. So there we are literally running through the streets of down town Chicago in HIGH HEELS and lung freezing cold weather hoping they don't shut the doors on us. We got there with one minute to spare!!!!
And am I glad I did!!! The show was so good and I highly recommend it to anyone if they ever get the chance (it's coming to Memphis in July so if you haven't already got your tickets... GET THEM!)

Haylee it looks like you had a great Christmas and New Years. I absolutely loved Wicked and am glad you got to go see it. What a fun gift. I'm hoping that when we go to Little Rock we can get together. We need to deliver a shutter for Jenn and Rob.
Hugs to all of you and Happy New Year.
This SAME thing happened to Joey and I when I bought him Wicked tickets. We drove to NYC and hit bumper to bumper traffic and were FREAKING out that we were going to miss it. We parked at some garage and threw are keys to the attendant and then SPRINTED through the crowded streets to the theatre. We actually made it.. but barely. We were so stressed it took a few minutes to actually just relax. So - I feel your pain. That is a really cool present though. I like that they included the whole day. Fun.
Your new years eve was a lot more eventful than all of mine ever combined! What a fun present! Good job for running so far, I am glad you didn't fall. P.S. I have never heard of wicked!
Wow, looks like SO MUCH fun!!! Glad you guys had a great New Years!
I'm so glad you guys enjoyed the present!!! AND that you MADE it to the Show. Was a great fun two weeks huh? Didn't do much on one hand but sure have a lot of memories on the other right? LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU GUYS
What an awesome New Year!! I would love to see Wicked!
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