Friday, February 20, 2009

My Birthday Week in Idaho

For my birthday I got to spend a week in Idaho with my parents and family. We missed Justin, but we had a really good time.
I've been doing digital scrapbooking for my pictures lately for a couple of different reasons. 1st-I enjoy digital scrapbooking and has become a hobby I am loving 2nd- It is easy to blog lots of pictures rather than uploading them all separately 3rd- It is easy to make my end of the year blog book with fewer images and 4th- I hope to get these digital scrapbook pages printed off one day and put into a scrapbook album.

With that in mind, here is my trip-digital scrapbook style:
(these two pages are go together as one layout)
for my birthday, jackson and i were able to spend a week in idaho at grandma -aka ma-ma-
and grandpa -aka ba-pa- blakes. although i was nervous to fly on the plane a lone with jack man, he did great! he even fell asleep on one of the flights which really surprised me. his cousins easton and noah also came from boise to spend some time with us. the boys were in heaven having their grandma and grandpa there to spoil and play with them! we had a fun week but missed daddy who had to stay home and go to school.

We got to see my grandparents while we were there. The last time they saw Jackson he was barely taking his first steps (at age 10 mo.)The first part of the week was spent with my mommy! We had a lot of fun birthday shopping and spending time together. She is the best!! I really wanted to go to "Bride Wars" with her so on Wednesday night we went. We were literally the only people in the whole theatre so I had to take a picture! Once the movie started one more couple came in. Jackson got to play in the snow. (This is my favorite picture... courtesy of my photographer Amy)Journaling:When I was in Idaho I got special treat: a get together with some old High school
girlfriends! It was so fun to see all the girls and to see that everyone is living a good and happy life! My best friend Kim drove down from Provo just to see me! It was also exciting because I got to introduce Jackson to them and meet all their beautiful baby girls. Kim and I joke that Jackson and Hallie are going to get married, so in one of the pictures they are making googlie eyes at each other!
The group:
Emily and Mary -6 mo
Jill jensen
heidi and jerika -6 weeks
Kim and Hallie - 3 mo
Haylee and Jackson -1.5 yrsI also got to meet my new beautiful nephew Noah for the first time. He is so precious!Jackson and Easton had a great time together this time. They seriously had minimal fighting moments and played together great! (These two layouts go together as well)
Journaling: laughing and chasing each other down the stairs
Playing in the snow together. Bringing the snow inside the house and feeding it to Easton from a spoon
Watching Movies. Introducing Easton to "Scripture Bugs"
Following each other around and mimicking each others moves, like putting on big shoes and walking around.My family is great and it was so fun to see them. Here are the girls doing some beading. All of the earrings we have on were made by us.I got a birthday cake and dinner with a little celebration for me.

Like mentioned, I really did miss Justin and wish he could have come with us. I flew home on my actual birthday (which is a story in and of itself) and when I got home Justin had a great surprise for me. He cleaned up the house, had it warm for me, and decorated! He had dinner ready (pork chops and baked potatoes) and he made me my own cake from him! It was so sweet!!! He and my in laws got me the 5 seasons of "Reba" (which if you have never seen, you are missing out!). He is the best husband!!

Thanks babe for a special birthday and thanks fam for a fantastic week in Idaho!


Morgan said...

I'm glad that you had fun. Hopefully Jeremy will let me do something like that when we move in a few months. And your pages look great! I think it's a great talent. I have become very involved in the boring old scrapbooking. It's fun! Anyway, happy b-day again, glad yo had fun!

Tina said...

I love Reba!

Audra said...

I'm sad you didn't mention your wonderful cousin or aunt going to lunch with you guys! Well it might be because no one took pictures! I am seriously jealous of you amazing talent! You have got to teach me the fine art of digi-scrapbooking. I am having a hard time enjoying the normal way. Please e-mail me or let me know how you learned!! It was fun to see you here in cold Idaho. Please come again soon.

Jamie Blake said...

darling scrapbook pages and i'm glad you had a fabulous birthday week in idaho! it was so great to see you.

Grandma Gardner said...

Yes, dear granddaughter of mine ... it was wonderful having you & our little Jack-man home to love and to spoil. Thanks Justin, for letting us have them!

Kim said...

You are too cute. I LOVE the digital scrapbooking, I really need to get into that too. It seems so much easier and way better to print off later. I just need to learn to do it. You are so great. I love your guts.

Emily Empey said...

HOW CUTE! I lovethose scrapbooking layouts! That looks fun! SO how do you the blog book? I am curious! Anyway it was so fun to see you and it looks like you had a great week! Love ya!

Amy said...

Such cute pages, Hay!! It took me a week just to post the regular old boring pictures :) It really was so great to see you... and that adorable little Jackson of yours. I'm glad you had a wonderful week, but I'm sure Justin was glad to have you both home again!!

Diane said...

Haylee I love your do you do them? K never mind I'll just call you...that's always fun too.
It sounds like you had a great birthday how fun for you to be able to do that. Hopefully I'll get to see Jack Man soon....
Hugs to all of you!

Stephanie said...

what a fun bday!! love all your layouts and Jackson is so cute!! He has the best eyes EVER!!! Happy bday.

Abby said...

Wow what a great trip! You do a great job with your scrapbooking. It's a great idea to do, and so much easier than printing pictures and glueing and cutting etc...
Happy Birthday lady! Love you and miss you tons!
And Jackson is absolutely adorable! I really really want to see him in person some day--- I say if things don't work out with he and Hallie, maybe if I have girl- my babe and yours could hook up. hehe
Remember at college when we'd all figure out how we would all marry into eachother's families... yeah that didn't work-- may our kids can make it come true.