Sunday, March 15, 2009


Jackson is officially 18 months and 1 week. It is crazy how big he is getting. The most exciting part about this age is... Jackson is in NURSERY! Ever since he started to walk (at 10 mo.) we have been anxiously waiting for nursery age! :) This first picture is taken of him on his first day. Out of the 2 Sundays he has been going he has done fantastic! We are keeping our fingers crossed that he will remain loving it. We were told he knows how to blow bubbles and we have never taught him. I think it is because he always blows on his food before he eats because he sees us doing that when it is "hotttt". I peeked in on him today and it just made me smile seeing him be a big boy, sitting on a chair eating his snack and then taking his napkin and wiping the tables like the teachers were doing. What a big boy he is!! He also loves to grab Daddy's scriptures and walk to class (as seen in the picture).
His official 18 month stats are:
23 lbs 5 oz (25th percentile)
32 inches (25th percentile)

He is becoming a much more independent eater against what his mommy prefers! :) I tried to spoon feed him as long as possible, but lately he wont have it. (I would only do this with food that was not is solid form). I don't like this because is always turns into me saying "What a mess!!" He used to let me at least get the food on the spoon and then he would put it in his mouth, but now he wants to scoop the food as well. He does pretty good, but gives up quickly and thinks the hands are much more effective. He also does not wear a bib, so before most meal times he gets a strip down! :)
I haven't cut his hair in a while and it is getting quite long and thick. This picture was taken when I sprayed it with water and I thought he looked like such a big boy. When it dries it is bone straight and often I don't know what to do with it.
He is always busy and this picture is proof! We have moved the computer desk three times in order to find a placement where he can't climb onto the desk. We also use our exercise ball as our chair because he can't climb onto it.
He is a chatterbox these days and I love when he learns something new everyday. He knows lots of words and although you don't have to read this list, I figured I needed to document his words before I can't remember everything he knows how to say. I wrote this list a month ago, so he knows quite a few more now.

mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, Jamie (his aunts), bird, ball, balloon, car (beep beep), meow (cat), Moo (cow), nah (horse), buzz (bee), rarr (lion), fshhh (fish), cookie, tree, Jesus, baby, uh oh, whats that, want that, pizza, cheese, hot, woof (dog), bye bye, movie, stinky, wow or whoa, soft, missionary, hi.... and that is all I can think of for the moment.
He is my cutie patootie! I love him so much. These pictures are my all time favorite of him. He found daddy's hat and did this all by himself. Then he became a one eyed pirate and thought he was something else looking at me with his one eye! (eye) LOVE YOU JACKSON!


Kim said...

What a cutie patootie is right! He is such a big boy to be going to nursery! Oh, how I am already looking forward to that! ha ha. He is such a handsome boy. I love the pictures with the hat cute.

Jamie Blake said...

awwww, how cute. seriously. i started to tear up while reading it.

Amy said...

Oh his smiles are just the best!! What a cute, cute boy.. and getting to be such a big guy! Easton misses Gackon and asked for him a few times last week after he saw a picture :)

Tina said...

That's a really smart idea using the exercise ball for a chair. I have a feeling that if we tried that my "chair" would be missing more often than not.

Whitney Blake said...

Oh my goodness he is just so adorable!! I can't believe how much he has grown up even since Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see him... hopefully soon. Road Trip ?

Audra said...

He is getting so big and smart! I am surprised at how many words he knows. He is adorable too.

Johnson Fam said...

OH I can't wait to see him. It's been way to long. I still see a little Easton in him. Especially in the pic where you just sprayed his hair. SO SO SO CUTE!

Tanner Family said...

Don't you almost hate how independent they are! I see Jackson climbs all over things as well. Man kids are amazing and surely a handful, but so sweet at the same time! Joel went to nursery for the 1st time Sunday and he of course was an angel!

Katie said...

can't wait until Luke goes to nursery! thanks justin for being his dad on sunday. he really behaves well for you!

Lesley said...

Hooray for nursery!

Erika said...

You forgot nnnss(snow) in your list of words! He is so cute, Yea for being old enough for nursery!

Jalayne said...

How fun, Hay! Probably not for a while...but when are you guys headed to Idaho Falls again?

Erin L said...

I left you an award over at my blog! Go check it out!

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

It's official my eight month old baby out weighs Jackson...

Stephanie said...

He is so cute!! I can't believe Jackson is 18 months! Reese HATED nursery until she went to Primary. Carson LOVES it and will be so sad next year when he has to go to primary and Davis cries every Sunday on the way to nursery but gets over it w/in 2 mins of me leaving. All he talks about for the rest of the day is blowing bubbles in nursery. Okay, the hair thing...Davis has the same thing!! Straight as can be when his hair dries and I'm at a loss of what/how to cut it. Ugh..we'll figure it out together. Cute pics and layouts. I need to get into digi scrapbooking. So cute!!

Abby said...

OH my gosh he is SOOO big and SO cute! I love that 1st picture ready for church. so cute.