Sunday, March 29, 2009

Quick Weekend Trip

Last weekend Justin's sister Jamie got married in Salt Lake City, so we made a very quick trip out of it.
Day 1 (traveling)
Justin had a test on Thursday so we flew out of Little Rock at 7:30 pm. It was such a late flight for Jackson. The first flight he did pretty good. We then had a long layover in Dallas and our flight was delayed to SLC. We didn't get to SLC until MIDNIGHT.... how did Jackson do since it was so late? Did he fall asleep?.... WE WISH! He was exhausted but he just wouldn't give it up! The last 30 minutes of the late flight he screamed hysterically. It got to the point that anything we tried to do to distract him would just make him more mad. It was nightmarish for everyone on the flight. One lady said, "He was so cute at the beginning of the flight" ha ha THANKS!
We finally got to the airport and what do you know? He crashed as soon as he was in his stroller. We went to get our rental car and it took an HOUR to get that. By that time I was so exhausted and so frustrated with everything. We didn't get to our hotel until 2:00 AM!!!! How did Jackson sleep once we got to the hotel because he was so tired?? MISERABLE! Boy were we looking forward to a long day of wedding stuff! :)Day 2 (wedding)
Jamie is the reason Justin and I are together. She was my roommate my second semester of college. We had a lot in common (same major and minor, only girl in our families, same middle name, etc.) and we quickly became great friends. One day I invited her over to my families house for Sunday dinner and she said she normally had Sunday dinner with her brother, so I said he could come too. Of course Justin didn't want to pass down free food so he too came to my families house for dinner. Up to that point Justin and I didn't really ever talk or take notice of one another, but once he came to dinner that day he realized how irresistibly cute I was and wanted to ask me on a date! He asked, I said yes, and the rest is history!
The cute new couple coming out of the temple: Jamie and Nathan AndrewsJackson ran around the temple the whole time. I was glad to have family there to help watch him, because that boy is NON STOP when he gets free. Here he is with a few of his cousins. Sadie, Easton, and his 2nd cousin Carter. When someone would give him a hug he would say "awwwww" and that is why his mouth is open when both Sadie and Carter were hugging him! :)The three of us at the Temple.Because Jamie and I go way back she has become pretty good friends with my family. They were invited to the wedding and I was glad I got to see them too that weekend. My parents were life savors on helping us watch Jackson during all the festivities. My sister in law Amy was actually her photographer. So I was able to see Todd, Amy, and their boys too! It was a short visit, but fun to see them. This was the only picture I got at the reception because we really didn't get to enjoy much of the reception. By that time Jackson had HAD IT! He was uncontrollable and was throwing fits the whole time. Justin and I had to leave early and take him back to the hotel. He did look really cute though in his vest and bow-tie. Day 3 (traveling)
Another long day of traveling that we were NOT looking forward to. How did Jackson do this time?WHAT!?!?! He actually fell asleep on Justin's lap!?!?! Yes... we were shocked! He slept for about an hour and a half like that. I couldn't believe it! What made the difference?? We have no idea! Here we are trying to distract him on the plane by letting him play with the camera and take pictures of himself. ha ha I thought it was funny. :)At our layover in Chicago they had a children's museum place for kids to play. That was a life savor for us. The layovers are usually the worst because he wants to run around, but a busy airport isn't the best place for an 18 month old to play. So he had a great time playing on all the toys.
That is about it! It was a crazy, but good weekend for the most part.

This past week Jordan and Donna came to stay with us. Jackson was in HEAVEN having all the attention from his grandma and uncle. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures for the blog, but we had a good week. I thought I did a pretty good job being a Memphis tour guide throughout the week. Anyone is welcome to come visit and I'll prove it to you too! :)


Amy said...

It was fun to see you... I just wish I could've talked to you a bit more! I'm cracking up at the picture of all of us... your mom and I look like we dressed to match the wedding party and we didn't even know it :) I'm glad Jacks slept for you on the way home.

Katie said...

ooo- not what i wanted to hear the day before doing the exact same thing with the same aged boy!!! i will be flying to utah tomorrow and no joey - so it's going to be me and little boy luke. i know what you mean about knowing the cause and effects of these little ones. it's always a surprise! they like to keep us guessing. so, we'll see what he decides to do. all i can do is cross my fingers!!!
cute family pic in front of the temple btw.

Jamie Blake said...

Looks like you had so much fun! That is so funny. . . when I was looking at the picture with you all together, I was thinking, "Wow, they wanted Amy and Iola to be all matching too?"

Brad, Charlsie and Our Little Monkey said...

How exciting, I can't believe Jamie's married. Brad and I tried to make it to the reception. We had driven out to Idaho that week for spring break but we had to leave Friday to be back to Iowa by 7:00 P.M. on Saturday. Don't you love long drive? Jamie looks so amazing.

Johnson Fam said...

Well we got pictures on our dinosaur camera!!! I'll have to get copies. WE HAD A great time in Memphis and Haylee is an awesome tour guide.

Stephanie said...

Such cute pictures - as always :o) My mom called me after the wedding stuff and just kept saying "that Jackson is SO cute!!" I HOPE I get to meet that cute little guy of yours one day :o)

Kim said...

What a quick trip!! Jamie looks beautiful, congrats to her!

Diane said...

Haylee it was so fun to see you and Justin and of course Jackson.
I wish we lived a little closer so we could see more of you. Maybe you could plan a quick trip to San Antonio for Whitney's wedding? :) I seriously wish we could have more family there. Hugs to all of you.