Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Announcing it to the blogging world...

This is what Justin came home to the day I took the hpt.
Well the news is starting to trickle out, so I thought it was about time to announce it to all my fellow blog readers... Justin and I are expecting baby numero dos! We are thrilled, yet nervous all at the same time.
I am 11 weeks pregnant and so the morning sickness is starting to die out a little bit. It seems like I am a lot more nauseated and tired with this one than I remember being with Jackson. He will be a great big bro!
Oh the due date is Nov. 4th.


Eric and Kortnee Johnson said...

Ohhhh my gosh! Congrats girlie! I am so happy for you two!

Pierce Family said...

Congrats!!! I better stop drinking the water here because everyone around me seems to be getting prego again! I am definitely not ready for a numero dos baby.

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Congratulations Haylee!!!! That is just so exciting!!! I love the poster you made! So creative!! I'm way way happy for you!!! Congrats again!!!

Audra said...

CONGRATULATIONS! How exciting for you two! I hope you are feeling well! Cute poster by the way!

KristenL said...

Wow, congratulations! That is great news! And I LOVE how you told Justin. Way fun! Hope this pregnancy goes well.

Kim said...

WHAT!!! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how excited I am for you! I think it is a girl already!! and of course, can't fail to mention that November 4th is Hallie's birthday, so that would be just perfect, now wouldn't it!? love ya BF!

Emily Empey said...

yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so so so excited for you!!!! Love your guts!!!

Erin L said...


Alisha said...

That is completely awesome! Good luck with the preganacy! Try and get as much sleep as possible! Good luck!

Amy said...

We're soooo excited for you guys!!! You'll love having two :) We're rooting for another boy because how fun would it be to have these 4 crazy little boy cousins around? But I'm sure a little blonde hair blue eyes girl that looks like her mama would sure be fun too!!

Jamie Blake said...

i was sitting here racking my brain, wondering what hpt was. It took me a couple minutes before I realized that it meant home pregnancy test. haha! you will have to forgive us who don't have children and know all the pregnancy lingo!
Congrats, though!!! So excited for you!

Abby said...

AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH congratulations guys!! I am so happy for you two! Nice poster! HOpe you are feeling well this time around.

Christina and Jason said...

congrats! We are so excited for you! Let us know if you need anything :D

Amy said...

How fun!! You are due just 2 days before me!! I figured if you posted about it, I might as well do it too!! Congrats!!!

Johnson Fam said...

YEAH another grandbaby!!! I'm in it for the Grandkids ya know :) I know you are more tired because you're chasing a little boy around all the time. CONGRATS

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for your little growing family. You will be an excellent mother of two! I am sure Jackson will be a great brother!! Call me if you have any prego moments where you need an outlet. I would love to hear from ya! Oh and PS you made the most adorable prego lady ever last time and I am sure this time won't be any different so bring on the baby fat!!! (that is the scary hard part...)

Tina said...

Congratulations! That's cute to keep it secret from your hubby. I was never able to, he was always just as anxious as I was, if not more.

Stephanie said...

Congrats you two!!!!! Couldn't be more excited for ya. Jackson is going to be the cutest big brother ever!!!

Lesley said...

Congrats! That is very exciting!

Mike and Wendy said...

What a fun way to tell the news. I was never able to surprise Mike. He always guessed the second I started feeling like crud. We saved the creative stuff for telling our parents!

Grandma Gardner said...

Great grandma is excitied to have another little bundle to love and I'm happy you arrived back home safe from you quick trip to Utah. Now that will get your bloggers wondering!

Eric and Kortnee Johnson said...

Ohh thank you for the comment! You are too sweet! We are really excited to be having a girl :)
How have you been feeling??? Are you hoping for a Girl this time? Or does it not matter?

Diane said...

Haylee I'm so excited for you and Justin. Jackson will be in Heaven with another sibling. Get as much rest as possible. Congratulations!

The Madsen's said...

YEA!! That is so awesome! I love how there are so many people pregnant right now!

Shannon said...

Congratulations Haylee!! What a fun way to tell your hubby too! :)

Tyler & Michelle said...

What a fun and exciting thing! I am so excited for you guys. You are so creative too.