Thursday, April 30, 2009

Part 3

While a funeral isn't the best case scenario to bring us all together, we had a good time with being together as a family for the weekend. (If only Justin and Whit could have been there) :(

We went over to Thanksgiving Point to the Tulip Festival. It was GORGEOUS! We had a good time walking around and seeing and smelling the beautiful flowers. Some of the highlights were:

Easton pulling Jackson in his stroller and Jackson just cracking up
Easton running as fast as his little legs could carry him and watching Amy and Grandpa chase after him
Jackson actually staying in his stroller nearly the entire time
Easton seeing kids rolling down the hill and giving it a try as well
Jackson running up and down the hill with Grandpa
Seeing God's beautiful creations while being with family!
**There were so many great pictures courtesy my two sister in laws, Amy and Jamie**

1 comment:

Jamie Blake said...

awww hay, what a darling post! i feel so proud that a few of my pictures made it up there! love you! :)