Monday, June 8, 2009

Pregnancy Update

First belly picture: 16 weeks Now at 19 weeks
I'm feeling like I have recently popped out these days, especially in the evenings. I have a little pooch, but luckily can still fit into all of my non maternity pants. I've been feeling the baby move and I LOVE that! So far it doesn't seem like he/she moves as often as Jackson did, but I think I may have just been more aware the first time around. I have my next appointment on Wednesday (hopefully this time I will be able to hear a heartbeat since I haven't yet) and then I will have my ultrasound scheduled for the next week or two. I'm getting anxious to find out what it is! Justin is dead convinced it is a girl, so because he talks so much about "her" I have been getting excited about that idea... however I keep telling myself it is a boy so that I don't get too excited. Don't get me wrong, I really would be thrilled if it was a boy BUT I'll admit, the idea of a girl is just a bit more exciting. I'm creating a poll on the side the blog so vote on what you think it will be! Jackson loves to feel the baby and give the baby kisses. Sometimes I have to remind him that the baby is my belly, nothing higher! :) Most the time when I ask him if he is having a baby brother or sister he replies "Sissy" (for sister).... we'll see if the men are right or not!


Audra said...

You are adorable! I hope it's a girl! Jackson is adorable. Kate could care less about feeling the baby and still says she doesn't want a brother oh well!

Amy said...

You look great, Hay! So fun that you're almost half way there!! Easton used to get a little confused about exactly where the baby was too :) Want to know what I'm most excited about though-haha?? Both of my boys have that same shirt that Jackson has on in these pics- I see a photo shoot in the future :)

Danielle, JK, Kendon & Boston said...

That is funny because whenever Kendon kisses my belly he always tries to kiss higher too. They must just think whatever is popping out has something in it. I think you are having another boy!

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Oh I love pregnant belly shots!!! You look great Haylee! And the pictures with Jackson are adorable!!! I can't wait to hear what you are having either!!!!

Kim said...

ahhh...the pictures I have been waiting for! You look awesome. I vote boy! Though I would love for you to have a girl, I think its another boy! (but I am never right, so keep that in mind..)

Johnson Fam said...

I keep seeing these post and keep waiting for the St. Louis trip on here. CUTE pics. I love the one of Jackson. Too early for me to tell yet.

Jamie Blake said...

Haylee, you look fantastic! I am so happy for you, whether it's a boy or a girl! :)

Whitney Blake said...

You look so cute! How exciting!! I can't wait to hear the sex of the baby. Lil Jack man is so adorable!

Emily Empey said...

THAT IS ADORABLE!! You look so cute!!!

Season said...

Hey Haylee! Wow—I'm so glad we have each other's blogs now—I didn't even know you were having another baby!! Congratulations! That is so exciting!

Eric and Kortnee Johnson said...

I guess GIRL! You already look soooo cute! ANd those pictures of your little one kissing your belly is SO cute!
Thanks so much for the comment on the pictures! I wish I would have gotten some of her talent! haha