Saturday, February 13, 2010

And more pictures of ME because I'm too darn cute!! :)

Yup, still sweet as ever!!


Eric and Kortnee Johnson said...

OMG he is SOOOo cute! Good job momma!

Amy said...

What a handsome, sweet little guy!!! Love the pics!

Kim said...

what a sweetie! HE is so handsome!

Iola Blake said...

Love the one sock half on and one half off. He is changing every day. I sure do miss him.

Iola Blake said...

Oh I just read my comment. One half on and one half off is the same thing! ha! I meant one sock off and one half on. Still doesn't change the fact that he is cute!

The Madsen's said...

He looks just like a little Haylee boy! I can't believe how much he looks like you. So handsome!

Johnson Fam said...

You are right too darn CUTE!!! Can't wait to see him...them....all of you!!