Thursday, February 11, 2010

We took the plunge...

Bye-Bye diapers and hello big boy underwear!
I didn't want to write about this on the blog until I was certain he was potty trained because if I had to give up I didn't want to admit failure.... but this is our history, so I'm blogging it.

During our winter weather weekend Jackson was acting very interested in the potty, so we decided to give it a try. We took him on a special trip and let him pick out his potty stool, his big boy underwear, some potty treats, and stickers. He was doing great the first three days and I thought "Oh he is gonna get this no problem." He knew exactly what to do on the potty and every time he sat on the toilet he did the deed. He even went poop on the potty multiple times.
But soon it started to become a struggle. He got burnt out of running to the potty all the time and didn't want to stop doing whatever it was he was doing to go to the bathroom. It ended up coming to the point where we had to drag him to the bathroom and wait for a long time while he messed around because he didn't want to take off his pants and sit on the toilet.... of course the more it got like this the more frustrated I got. (this frustration was probably the worst mistake I made in this process) I did try to get creative with it like for example the picture below:
He has been into his animals lately so we had a party one time. They all lined up to watch and cheer him on! :)

Well soon he decided instead of going to the bathroom so often he would just pee and poop in his pants. He started to do that frequently and I tried to control the frustration, but because it was happening so often and because I honestly think he was doing it on purpose, my frustration didn't always hide itself. And with his personality, because he was getting a reaction from me (even though it was negative) he started to do it more. (sometimes when I tell him not to do something he does it. It makes it hard to discipline him because he will act out for attention and thinks it is fun to go to time out)

I told myself I wouldn't give up. I had gone a week and a half and I didn't want to go back when we already started. I even said I would be cleaning up accidents for as long as it took but I wasn't going to fail! However I soon came to the realization that it wasn't working (with the help of the Spirit). I personally think he IS ready; he gets the process 100%, but I made some mistakes and it was starting to just become a negative situation and I knew it wasn't going to work if it was going to be like that.

He is back in diapers and I guess I have to admit failure (as much as I hate it) and try again another time....


Amy said...

I KNOW your frustration (all too well!) but I think you're probably smart not too continue to push him. Plus, I'm not gonna lie, I would have been TOTALLY jealous if Jacks was all the way trained... I'm pretty sure E will be in diapers until he's 4 at the rate he's going. Your comment about Jackson thinking time out is fun reminded me of something... I'll have to email you about the behavior chain we've been doing with Easton. So far it's been much more effective with him then time out is.

Iola Blake said...

Welcome to Motherhood! These little angels do have a mind of their own. Hopefully you will get lucky enough and he won't like the diapers decide it is better to go to the potty and get the treats. Even though he knows the concept he isn't ready to do it on his own. I think you made the right decision. I liked the animal party though. Very clever!

Erin L said...

Ana did the same thing. She would look me straight in the eye, and pee in her panties and I just KNEW she was doing it on purpose. So, I started to put her in a (cold) shower. I wasn't cruel about it. She usually liked showers, so I just told her that when she had an accident we had to wash up and I made the water cold so that is was slightly unpleasant. After about 5 or 6 cold showers, she was done with accidents...

Tanner Family said...

So with Joel he started lose interest in going in the potty. Well when that happen we changed it up a bit. We encouraged him to watch Daddy go potty and we told him he could instead pee like a big boy, so instead of sitting down we had him stand up. (That got him interested again). The only trick is you have to ask them to go potty and almost force it a little at first but he will figure it out. Watching Daddy was the best motivator I think.

Audra said...

Bummer! I'm sorry that it didn't work out the first time! I wish boys trained as easily as girls! Keep asking him even if you have to take off his diaper. Did you try pull-ups? They are more expensive than diapers but maybe he will like trying to keep the little pictures from fading away. I thought the comment about watching daddy go was a good idea. For Kate it helped buying her a little potty. Now she is so independent she doesn't hardly tell me, she will just go on her own! Good luck!

Danielle, JK, Kendon & Boston said...

Kendon did the exact same thing! He was completely potty trained before I had Boston and was doing so well! He would stay dry all day everyday and would tell me when he needed to go. Then little brother came along and about 3 weeks later Kendon decided he didnt want to go potty in the big boy potty anymore! He would REFUSE to sit on the potty! And when we would sit him there to go he would pee and say he was finished and then get down and seriously 2 minutes later would poop in his pants! So I too failed and put him back in diapers until he begins to be interested again! He still wants to go pee in the potty all the time, just when it comes to poop...NO WAY!!! mGood luck! If you discover any secrets let me know!

Johnson Fam said...

I don't think you "failed" Haylee...he is still little. Now if he is 5 and not potty trained...well that might be a different story!!!! I'm sure he will get sick of the soggy stinky diapers and it will be easier in the long run!
Hang in there. I used to love bathroom parties.

Seth and Kylee said... so I found this free potty training kit from Pampers...maybe this will help Jackson when you are ready try again?

Grandma Gardner said...

The first photo ... notice where he has his hands! Now if that isn't a man!! What a poise! Love that little man ... Ggrams

Diane said...

Haylee no failures just a busy little boy who has his own agenda....and you get to try and guess what that is. Rest assure that he will not leave on his mission in diapers. Hang in there kiddo.

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

Dearest Haylee... this post is coming from a mother who changed poopy underwear everyday for 5 months... and even now changes them at least once a week. The best days are when she doesn't poop at all. It is easier to change a poopy in daipers so at least you have that figured out. Although, Addy now has to dump her own poop in the potty herself. Every time she has an accident she is in charge. Sounds mean, but the look on her face when she has to pick up the poop that fell out of her panies is priceless (with a tissue of course). Haha! Keep trying. I read a conference talk that said consistency is a key principle. I also learned that you have to train yourself first. Good luck!

Katie said...

I'm SO glad you posted it because he sounds JUST like someone else I know and it's nice to get a heads up. You totally nailed it when you said his personality likes to get a reaction even if it's negative. I've noticed that when I get mad - it just makes him do it more... with a smile. So, I'm really dreading the potty training stuff. But way to give it your all and thanks for sharing what you learned!