The past couple of weeks in school Justin has been learning how to inject people with needles. He learned how to do intramuscular, subcutaneous, intralesional, and subconjunctival injections. In other words, they gave each other shots in the arms, in the eyelids, and in the EYE BALL!! He has been the guinea pig from his other classmates and this is what his eye looked like when he came home the other day. In a more up close picture you can see a white bump where the needle was injected. Jackson spent a good week sick this month. The first day I noticed, we had spent the morning with friends at the park. He just wasn't quite acting like himself. When we got home he ASKED to take a nap (he hasn't taken a nap in three months, so I couldn't believe this request). He did in fact take a nap but then woke up with a temperature of 104.5!! I called the Dr right away and took him in. Turns out he had an ear infection. The next day his fever never went below 101 and spiked again after his nap to 104. We headed back over to the Dr where they informed me that he probably had a bad virus on top of the ear infection. After 3 days of a high fever, he broke out in a rash for a couple of days. We researched it and we think it was the Roseola virus. He spent a lot of days doing this: laying on the couch and watching movies.
We played Volleyball at the church a couple of times with some friends. Jackson loves it. One of our friends had a walker for their baby to play in and before we were about to go Jackson decided he wanted a turn in it. Well it toppled over face first and he smacked his lip. It bled and swelled up pretty good. We came home and took pictures and by the morning it was fine.
I love watching Jackson play. He has quite the imagination these days. One afternoon it was all about "Bear." He decided Bear needed a diaper put on. So I helped him with that. Then he needed pants, a shirt, and shoes. He dressed him up and carried him around all afternoon. Bear was in the bumbo; in the exersaucer, put down for a nap, his teeth were brushed, he went potty, he had a snack, etc. It was pretty cute!
And last, do you all remember my post where we bid adieu to Jackson's binky? And remember how I have mentioned (more than once) about his lack of naps since the binky has been extinct? Well, he soon discovered that Jonah had a binky and its not half bad to suck on his. So, we were fighting him for a while about not stealing Jonah's... but soon the fight got old. I finally gave in and just gave it to him at nap time. And do you know what?! He has been napping for 3 weeks now!! Quite honestly I don't care that I failed at taking away the plug if he is going to nap. Prior to this new discovery he was the whiniest kid and I was really struggling with how to deal with it. Ever since he started to nap it has been SOOOO much better! So join with me, my fellow blog readers, and welcome the binky back into Jackson's life! :)
(This picture was taken on our way home from Missouri where he swipped it from Jonah's car seat and I looked back only to discover he was asleep. It was only 9:30 in the am)
I love watching Jackson play. He has quite the imagination these days. One afternoon it was all about "Bear." He decided Bear needed a diaper put on. So I helped him with that. Then he needed pants, a shirt, and shoes. He dressed him up and carried him around all afternoon. Bear was in the bumbo; in the exersaucer, put down for a nap, his teeth were brushed, he went potty, he had a snack, etc. It was pretty cute!
And last, do you all remember my post where we bid adieu to Jackson's binky? And remember how I have mentioned (more than once) about his lack of naps since the binky has been extinct? Well, he soon discovered that Jonah had a binky and its not half bad to suck on his. So, we were fighting him for a while about not stealing Jonah's... but soon the fight got old. I finally gave in and just gave it to him at nap time. And do you know what?! He has been napping for 3 weeks now!! Quite honestly I don't care that I failed at taking away the plug if he is going to nap. Prior to this new discovery he was the whiniest kid and I was really struggling with how to deal with it. Ever since he started to nap it has been SOOOO much better! So join with me, my fellow blog readers, and welcome the binky back into Jackson's life! :)
(This picture was taken on our way home from Missouri where he swipped it from Jonah's car seat and I looked back only to discover he was asleep. It was only 9:30 in the am)
Stay tuned for more March updates! :)
First I have to say.........WHAT THE~~~ Shots in the EYE BALL??? That's my baby doing that and I can't believe it. Second I love the bear post How dang cute, he will make a great dad (someday) Third YEAH FOR NAPS NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES!!! GO HAYLEE No one will ever ask him on his wedding day and how old were you when you stopped sucking on a binkie???
ohhh that is so cute. I love your posts. Jackson has quite the imagination!
I can't imagine a day without naps. Let alone several months! I think Daniel is going to be my binkie baby! Tell Justin how I had a fish hook in my eye. Getting a shot in the eyeball looks painful!
We just had roseola at our house too! Not a fun virus!! Glad that his feeling better!
EWWW gross (in a Michelle Tanner voice)! I don't think I could be shot in the eye ball! The other pictures, however, are very cute :)
In the eye ball!!! Really?!? Your boys are so cute. And yes, thank goodness for naps-no matter what!!!
So cute about Jacks and the bear! Love seeing their imaginations at work... and like I told your mom when they were here - when it comes to naps, you gotta do what you gotta do! I've known lots of people whose kids kept the binki until they were closer to 3 and a half!
Hey remember us? I stumbled upon your blog and had fun reading what you guys have been up too. And I had to laugh, most of it totally parallels us! Binky issues, baby haircuts, student doctors shooting eachother with needles (except in our case it was his mouth, he said the numbing went away eventually...:) Anywho, I laughed and was happy to know other people are going through the same things! You guys look like your having fun, and your boys are adorable!
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