Thursday, May 13, 2010

Family Time

Justin finished his 2nd year of Optometry School and had one week off before he began his 3rd year. We packed in a bunch of fun that week.
Our plan was to go with a couple of friends camping the Friday after classes got out... unfortunately throughout the week we realized that wasn't going to happen because of weather. Its a good thing we canceled because Friday night around 3AM we were awakened to the tornado sirens. They went off literally ALL day on Saturday. We never did have a tornado, but we did have some heavy rain that caused a lot of flooding around the area. (Nashville got badly hit with flooding, we didn't see much of anything around here, but we did hear about a lot of flooding in our area)
So although we weren't able to go with friends, we still decided to go with our little family on Monday. We had a good time, although we forgot the tin foil for our tin foil dinners and we had a heck of a time trying to start a fire with wet wood. Luckily we were prepared to be there until lunch the next day so we had hot dogs! :) We set up camp, ate dogs, and marshmallows, and had a fun time watching Jackson love every moment of being outdoors. Luckily we were LITERALLY the only ones in the campground, because bedtime with the kiddos was interesting. :)The next morning we woke up, had some breakfast and went on a walk around the campground. We were near a lake and it was really beautiful. I must admit, Jonah didn't LOVE his first camping experience... but he endured well. This is him in the morning playing in the tent. I think this pictures is adorable of him!!Tuesday we took advantage of the free Zoo day and spent the afternoon there. They have a new exhibit that just opened this fall called the Teton Trek. It reminded me of home. It had the Tetons, the Yellowstone lodge and Old Faithful. The animals they got are Grizzly Bears, Wolves, and Elk. I actually thought they did a good job with their display (notice the dead, fallen down trees, in the bottom picture) :) Jackson didn't want to sit in his stroller, because he wanted to push it (of course!!) He literally pushed that stroller around the Zoo for 2 hours! He was more interested in doing that than in seeing the animals.... haha that boy!Thursday we spent a long day driving to Cincinnati, OH. My older brother Lane graduated from Law School and we went to celebrate with him. My parents were also there so it was fun to spend the weekend with everyone. We are so proud of Lane and his hard work! While we were there they took us to a Reds game. It was a lot of fun and was such a nice evening to go. Although the Reds got smoked by the Cubs, we still enjoyed it. Jonah got to wear the reds outfit that Lane and Whit actually bought Jackson when he was a baby. He looked adorable at the old ball game! The boys were EXHAUSTED (especially JoJo) so we left before the 7th inning.
I then spent my Mothers Day traveling in the car back home. The boys actually do great traveling and Jackson took 2 naps!! (That was his present to me) When we got home Justin gave me a present! I nice electric skillet, since mine bit the dust recently. I LOVED this week!!!!!


Lant Family said...

Looks like you guys had a nice time with your week off and packed in some fun!

Bryce said...

Sounds like a ton o fun! Glad you were able to enjoy time with Justin while he had a break in school.

Jamie Blake said...

Looks like so much fun!!! :) Isn't family time seriously the best?!
Also it's hard to believe the first 2 years of optometry school has flown right by! 2 down, 2 to go!

Whitney Blake said...

It was so nice seeing you guys!! When are you coming back to visit again? We loved having you here (: