Monday, May 24, 2010

Update on the boys (along with some other randomness)

I love my boys! And they love each other. Jackson is usually so good with Jonah. Here are some cute photos of them together (sorry its so small) 1st- playing cars. Jonah likes to reach for them but Jackson gets mad if he ruins his line of cars or messes up the way he is playing with them (he's very particular) :) 2nd- watching a show together. Jackson thinks its fun when Jonah watches too. 3rd- Reading books. Jackson sat down and started reading him all the stories; it was cute!And I had to throw this one in because I think it is a funny/cute picture of them.
I was making a bottle for Jonah and Jackson was insisting he feed him. I layed him on his lap, propped up the bottle with a burp cloth and Jackson fed him his whole bottle. I thought it was so sweet. He has done it a couple times since then.Jonah loves to reach up and touch my face when he is nursing or drinking a bottle so he was doing it to Jackson and Jackson was getting really annoyed. haha And if this video works.... here they are "talking" to each other. Jonah has been really into this high pitched squealing (I call him my firecracker) And so Jackson thinks it is fun to do it with him. This seriously went on for about 10 minutes that day. :)
Little Jonah is getting so big!! We went to the park and he had fun sitting up on the slide and going down it (of course I was holding him the whole time). He's basically mastering the sitting up now.He is also getting a bit more mobile. He rolls over on his tummy and can turn all sorts of circles. You can tell he is so ready to be on the move and really wants to scoot. The other day I had him over by his blocks and soon found him like this. He had rolled over a few times to get himself stuck under the swing.We are working on a new "program" with Jackson. He has a Micky Mouse sticker chart that he gets to put a sticker on each night if he is good. After a couple of weeks he then gets a little "prize" (a little toy). He gets strikes for doing things that are bad and if he gets three strikes in a day he doesn't get a sticker and the whole process starts over. He has actually done really good with it and likes to put the sticker on. He says "No strikes!" However, there has been a few days that he has "striked out" and didn't get his sticker. So far he has earned one prize. And this picture is extremely random for this post... I threw my good friend, Becky, a baby shower on Thursday. Unfortunately she called me that afternoon telling me she was headed to the hospital and was likely going to be induced (mind you, this is 4 weeks early, so we thought we had plenty of time...she had some amniotic fluid that was leaking) But because we had all the food already, we had our shower without the guest of honor. The girl on the left was the other girl that helped with the shower. We had a good time, and Becky had her little guy the next day (a LONG labor... poor girl!!) Congrats Becky! :)


Jamie Blake said...

How fun!!! I was just thinking the other day that you haven't posted on your blog in a while, so I'm glad we got an update!
Your boys are darling, and Haylee, your hair is so long and beautiful! Love you guys!

Audra said...

So cute! Daniel squeals the same way! It is funny to see our kids so similar in ages! We miss you!

Iola Blake said...

I love the pictures of the boys. It is so fun to see their personalities. Especially to see Jonah's personality starting to show. I miss them.

Kim said...

Oh what cute boys you have! I am glad they get along so well together. Jonah's hair just kills me, it is so cute. I love that you had the shower for your friend even though she wasn't there. Awesome!

Johnson Fam said...

LOVE the video!!! Too cute. I love all the pictures of the boys. Can't believe how big Jonah is getting.

Whitney Blake said...

Love the pictures!! Missing the boys so much already. Jonah is the happiest baby there is...

Amy said...

So cute!! I seriously can't believe how big they are both getting - I so wish we could get the 4 boys together! The screeching is all too familiar - it will be fun to see if they outgrow that or not - mine sure haven't and still love to scream back and forth like that and then laugh.