I know I just did an update on them... but seriously who can't get enough of them? Certainly not I (and its my blog and I can do what I want to!) :)

Jonah is 10 months! Wow! I truly can't believe how fast time has flown with this little guy, 2 more months and he will be a year.

Ten months old and his new tricks include waving and standing on his own A LOT. He still doesn't crawl on his hands and knees, but he can pull himself up onto most anything and get in a standing position. He is even starting to cruise along the furniture.
He can't crawl but he can do this:

He has discovered his favorite toy of all, the dishwasher. He makes an army crawl dash for this thing whenever I do the dishes. He got himself onto the top of the lid all by himself today.
Gotta love the boy!
And then there is this charmer:

He cracks us up everyday. He discovers new words and things all the time... half of the time we don't even know how he knows these things. Example number 1: I was in front of the mirror messing around with some blemishes on my face (aka popping zits haha) and he says to me, "Mom, you have pimples?" This one cracked me up because I have no idea where he even heard the word pimple (I call them zits) let a lone knows what they are.
number 2: Justin and him were playing soccer the other day and he slipped and fell on the ball when he was trying to kick it. He bounced off of it and said, "That's my pogo stick." What?! Who knows where he discovered the word pogo stick.
number 3: We were sliding down a huge hill the other day (another post on that) and as we were climbing up he said, "I'm so nervous!" Again, I didn't know he could express the word nervous.
And one other Jackson funny. We were in the car driving downtown and Jonah had been fussing a bit. He finally stopped and Jackson said, "Jonahs not crying anymore. Hes not screaming and barking either!"
Here is a video capturing some of his silliness. He uses the curtain rod as a microphone and rocked out to none other than "Follow the Prophet." (Sorry for the horrible video quality)
My favorite is at the end when he starts cheering and screaming as if he was at a rock concert! :)
He started his pre school group this week and here are his first day of school pics. He was so excited and loved it. On our way home he told me all about what he did and learned.

As a group of moms we each picked some things that we were going to teach during our rotations and we are working on numbers, colors, and shapes. Well the mom who was teaching this time was doing Blue and had a paper that said color everything BLUE (in big letters). Apparently Jackson said to one of the kids, "Color that B" and she was shocked he would know that. (He is the youngest in the group by quite a few months) Anyways we may be learning the alphabet now too since he already knows it :)
We've been enjoying Justin's semester break, so another update is on its way.
Super cute boys! You have every right to brag and blog about them as much as possible.
super cute! i love your boys. All the things that Jackson says are so funny.. Really, where do they learn these things?!
Jackson should join the tabernacle choir right now!!! That's the cutest video I've seen since the base/eye ball one. You have the cutest boys I know........OH that means I've got the cutest grandson's I know!!!
I love THEM!!!
Love those boys!! They are so cute... don't you just loving having two boys? Sounds like they keep you entertained!
They are cute boys and they are growing fast!
My new blog is
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