I've been meaning to do a one year old post of Jonah for quite a while and am just getting around to it. So he's actually almost 14 months old now, but It's better than nothing.

At age one he:
Has so much personality! He is always making all of us laugh, and I honestly feel like he knows he is funny so he loves to put on a show. Jackson thinks he is funny too.
He has 6 teeth, and has had a harder time with the teething process than Jackson ever did.Has so much personality! He is always making all of us laugh, and I honestly feel like he knows he is funny so he loves to put on a show. Jackson thinks he is funny too.
Loves to dance. He shakes his little body and hands whenever he hears music. SO CUTE!
Is a mommas boy, but loves his daddy too!
Poops a lot. I know that is a funny fact for you all to know, but its true... he poops much more than Jackson ever did! :)
Says mama and dada in context (i think??)
Says mama and dada in context (i think??)
Waves Hi and Bye.
Pretends to talk on a cell phone.
Likes to play and push cars around.
Mimics most noises. (his little lamb sound is my fav)
Loves bath time! He is our little fishy, he'll splash and fall face first in the water and not think twice about it. He just loves to be in the water. Oh and loves to be naked... but what little boy doesn't?!) :)
Pretends to talk on a cell phone.
Likes to play and push cars around.
Mimics most noises. (his little lamb sound is my fav)
Loves bath time! He is our little fishy, he'll splash and fall face first in the water and not think twice about it. He just loves to be in the water. Oh and loves to be naked... but what little boy doesn't?!) :)
I will have to get the year stats later, but he is still in the less that 10% for weight and average for height. He really is a small little guy
And last but not least, he is even walking! He took his first steps 2 weeks ago and I thought he would be running by now. He totally can walk, a lot if he puts his mind to it, but for now he thinks that crawling is much more efficient).
Here is a video of the day he took his first steps. His Grandma Johnson was lucky enough to be here and witness it all.
And last but not least, he is even walking! He took his first steps 2 weeks ago and I thought he would be running by now. He totally can walk, a lot if he puts his mind to it, but for now he thinks that crawling is much more efficient).
Here is a video of the day he took his first steps. His Grandma Johnson was lucky enough to be here and witness it all.
Super cute little boy! He has grown so fast! I loved all the stats and fun info. I wish you were going to be in IF this Christmas. I miss seeing you!
That's my little JoJo!
what a cutie! He is so handsome. You have to good looking boys on your hands--watch out! I am glad for any updates you give. I love them too!
I love the pictures of Jonah. I especially love the 2nd one. He is so cute. I'm glad one of his Grandma's got to be there to see him walk. Next time I see him he will be running.
He is so cute!! I can't believe how big he is... I still think of him as such a little baby, but he's not!
Haylee ... what a sweet story in honor of Jonah and his big steps in his first year. Wish I could hug him and his big brother. Miss you all so dang much.
Your boys are so cute!!! Thanks for sharing!
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