Thursday, December 30, 2010

Other Missed Posts

In November Justin and I were able to go on a Riverboat Cruise down the Mississippi River.  I know romantic right?!  It was fun, but don't get your hopes up, we only went because it was a recruiting event for optometry students sponsored by Walmart.

We had dinner, then listened to a really long presentation, then were able to go out and enjoy the boat ride for a while.  Prior to the event Justin never considered working at Walmart, (we just went for the free food and boat ride) but after the presentation he is actually considering it more.  What we didn't realize is that you basically can have your own private practice within Walmart... you don't work FOR Walmart.  And if your office is in Walmart, you basically have a patient base right away.  
We still don't exactly know what we are going to do with our lives, but it was at least another option to consider.  

The middle of Nov. Justin left me and the boys alone for 3 days while he went to a school "conference" with a bunch of his buddies in Flordia.  While he was at this "conference" he somehow made time to go spend a day at the Beach.  He even spent a little bit of time learned how to surf for the first time from a classmate from California.

Yes, I am a bit jelouse I didn't get to go with him, but I'm glad he had a good time.


Lant Family said...

It was fun to visit with you guys during the cruise! We were happy to get a free date night out of it ;) You guys have been busy having lots of fun with family, it looks like a blast.

THE BLAIRS said...

You know nick and I were NEVER going to consider walmart either! But we wanted to live in CO and it was one of our only options at the time.. Now we are so grateful! He is the BOss its amazing he makes really good money, he plans his own hours, his own prices, he has his own secretary. he sees lots of different people! I am really grateful now! And i NEVER have to go there! (lol if i run out of something i say.. honey, please bring home milk!) loL! nick even painted his own office the way he wanted it complete rearranged it and its feel 100% like his own business straight out of school! He is going to save money and start a private vision therapy practice here soon as he can and do both! too bad you weren't finished yet, there is a walmart opening near us in pueblo!

Justin said...

What is Nick's e-mail address?

Johnson Fam said...

COOL my boy surfin' in the Ocean in Florida!!! Awesome post Haylee

Kim said...

So awesome that Justin learned to surf! I want to learn someday. You look gorgeous in your cruise pictures. working or Wally sounds fab to me. I totally relate in the not knowing what you are doing with your life...phase. Lovely.

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

Jonny has done some observation at Walmart and thinks it is a great way to go right out of school. Thank goodness we have a LONG time to decide. Good luck though. I loved your updates. You seem so well rounded right now in life...exercising, YW pres, mother/wife, getting out and having fun... it makes me so happy to see your life going so well. You are a great example to me. I can't wait until some miracle happens and we get to hang out!