Other Happenings in March:
1- Jackson got a haircut. I can't believe how long it was getting. His whole look changed after we chopped it off.2- My boys being cute! Jonah climbed onto the shelf so Jackson followed his lead. I love it too because the are dressed a like. :)
3- Justin finished Part one of National Boards. He studied for months and months for this test. January and February were especially packed with studying, so we were thrilled when he didn't have to worry about studying anymore! We made him this candy bar poster when he got home from his 3 day test. (By the way, he did pass with flying colors!!)
4- A missionary themed family home evening. Donna was actually here for this one. She had them dress as missionaries and roll played them out tracting. Really cute! :)
5-We went to the Memphis Children's Museum for the first time. It was so cool and the kids LOVED it! Jackson's favorite part was the grocery store. He got to pick out his groceries and scan them into the checkout. Jonah's favorite was all the cars that he could climb into and drive.
She's baaaccck!
Children's museum are the best!!! I love the one is SLC!! My boys beg to go through!! Way to go Justin for doing well on exams!!!
Hurray!!! I get to see what is happening in my Memphis Grandsons lives! I'm so happy! Jackson's hair was getting long. But you know me, I kind of like it that way, but I know it is way to hot to keep it long. Jonah is growing up so much. Crazy! Congrats to Justin. Knew you could do it! Can't wait to see you in less than 2 weeks.
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