Jackson turned 4 on Sept 7th. Hard to believe I have a 4 year old.
He requested a football cake (of course) and helped me bake it the day before. He loves to help in the kitchen!
The easiest way to do a football cake was with cupcakes, so this is what I came up with.
The goal post banner was my favorite.
He had his first day of Preschool on his birthday. He was very excited to go. He has LOVED school so much and does a great job with everything that he is learning. He loves his teacher and his friends.
I surprised him at the end of class and brought his cake for him to share with his friends.
Here is his little class (minus Dani who was sick... she is a little girl who's the teacher told me has a crush on Jackson. Jackson really likes her too... so cute!) Avery, Andy, Josiah, and Hadley.
After preschool we met up with another friend and had a happy meal at McDonalds and played on the play area for a while. Its always a special treat to go there to play :)
Jackson and his friend Duncan.
After Daddy got home we opened presents and then he had a special night out with mom and dad. We had a friend come over and watch Jonah while we went to Kung Fu Panda 2.
Some tidbits about 4 year old Jackson.
1- His ALL TIME FAVORITE THING EVER... anything sports! He is our sports FANATIC. His very favorite is football, but he also loves: basketball, soccer, baseball, tennis, and volleyball. He loves to watch it. He loves to play it. He even talks sports. Common phrases we will hear, "I fumbled at the 3 yard line." "He got a field goal" "He got a 3 yard touchdown" "Holding on offense (along with the motions)" "Hut hut hike" "Jonah, tackle me!" and my favorite, "I got a alian motion (meaning illegal motion)"
He loves it. Period.
2- Is super smart. He is the youngest in his preschool class, but keeps up just as well if not better than some of the kids. He is learning how to print really really well (uppercase letters), knows how to memorize, and is starting to read sight words. He is very inquisitive and will ask lots of questions about things.
1- His ALL TIME FAVORITE THING EVER... anything sports! He is our sports FANATIC. His very favorite is football, but he also loves: basketball, soccer, baseball, tennis, and volleyball. He loves to watch it. He loves to play it. He even talks sports. Common phrases we will hear, "I fumbled at the 3 yard line." "He got a field goal" "He got a 3 yard touchdown" "Holding on offense (along with the motions)" "Hut hut hike" "Jonah, tackle me!" and my favorite, "I got a alian motion (meaning illegal motion)"
He loves it. Period.
2- Is super smart. He is the youngest in his preschool class, but keeps up just as well if not better than some of the kids. He is learning how to print really really well (uppercase letters), knows how to memorize, and is starting to read sight words. He is very inquisitive and will ask lots of questions about things.
3- Loves to play on the computer. He can turn it on and navigate exactly where he wants to be. He likes to play his computer games, but mostly he likes going to ESPN or BYUTV to watch football game replays.
4- Really enjoys coloring and is getting very good at it. He colors really well in the lines and he also likes to "draw" his own pictures (but rarely tries to draw a real thing besides people and the sun).
5- Loves oatmeal and corn dogs
6- likes to ride his bike
7- favorite color is blue
8- Did I mention he loves sports... cause he does!
and what a darling little sports fan and athlete he is! we love jackson!
What a fun birthday!
Such a cute little sports fanatic you have!!! I can't believe how fast they grow up.... four already! I can still remember standing in the kitchen of your rexburg apartment bouncing a tiny little Jackson!
Aw so cute! What a special day he had! You are good parents :) It's so cute how much he is into sports!
So awesome to catch up on your lives!! Love the pro file pics of your family!!! The boys are getting so big!! Just yesterday they were babies. They are so cute..... your whole family is adorable!!!
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