Friday, December 30, 2011

Jonah's 2nd Year Birthday

Jo Jo turned the big T-W-O on Halloween.  He had a good day I think, celebrating with family.  His Grandma Blake was able to be there again this year to celebrate.

He woke up nice and early and we had him open presents right away so Daddy could see it before he went to work.
He jumped right up into his "bee car"

Look at that happy boy!  (Don't mind the puffy- sleepy eyes... I told you it was still early!)

He got to hang with Grandma and Mom all day long.  We took him to McDonalds for a kids meal in his Woody costume.

Later that night before too many Halloween festivities got in the way, we had cake.

I tried my hand at making a dump truck.  I thought it turned out cute, although the frosting of the cake didn't go so well.  That's okay, I just told everyone that the truck had been working in the construction zone so it was a bit dirty.  ;)
This year Jonah really went from baby to full grown toddler.  At two years old Jonah:
-talks a lot.  He speaks sentences that are very clear for us to understand.
-likes to drive cars around, read books, ride bikes, color, and play sports
-is a mini Jackson.  He mimiks everything Jackson does, and pretty much has the same interests Jackson does.  A few weeks ago Jonah said a little smart-alec remark to me (a phrase that Jackson says to me) and I said, "Oh no Jonah!  You are too young to be acting like that!"  In which Jackson proceeds to tell me in a proud little 4 year old voice, "I teached him that.  I teached him everything." 
-is a sweet a holic!  He has the BIGGEST sweet tooth I have ever seen.  He knows which cupboard our treats are stored in and anytime he enters the kitchen he starts asking for a treat.  
- gives the sweetest hugs and kisses in the world!

We love our little 2 year old!!


Grandma Gardner said...

What a cutie! I can tell he is full of the devil and lovin' it! And I love the cake, you have such a creative talent and you are such a good mommy! luv ya ... Grams

Kim said...

oh my. I am so impressed with all your craftiness- the cake, the costumes, everything! Can't you pass some of that onto me? I have no domestic skills whatsoever! jo jo is so cute-- happy 2 years buddy!

Audra said...

So cute! I am glad he had a good birthday!