Since I am so behind in my blogging, this will be a jumbled post about some of our randomness through the summer. (No particular order)
One day before Daddy got home from work we decided to surprise him with a backyard picnic. Jackson helped me set it all up so when Justin got home it would be ready for him.
We made hamburgers, french fries, and fresh fruits and vegis. It was fun until the mosquitoes started having a picnic of their own on the bottom of my foot!! I literally looked down and there were 3 of those nasty buggers sucking away at me.
One day Jackson came inside from playing in the backyard to inform me he found a frog. I said, "Oh I want to see it." So I go into my room to get my shoes, thinking I would go outside to see it, but as I turned the corner to head back into the backyard I see him holding the frog in our kitchen! I hurry and tell him to get it out of the house, but in the meantime decided I wanted a picture. Well he let go of this fat toad and it started hopping away IN MY HOUSE! I don't do great with those sort of things, so secretly as I am freaking out in the back of my head I'm acting like its no big deal so that Jackson wont get freaked out and he will catch it. As Jackson chased it around, it jumped behind the fridge.
I did finally get it out with a broom and Jackson's quick hands and he took it outside to, I mean play, with it some more.
I did finally get it out with a broom and Jackson's quick hands and he took it outside to, I mean play, with it some more.
There was a lot of this this summer: Playtime in the backyard. (LOVE having a fenced yard!!)
Against Mommy's approval, the boys decided this is their "sandbox"... its actually a big pile of dirt that they like to get dirty in. *sigh... boys will be boys I guess*
I snapped this picture because I love to see them play so well together.
In the super hot summer months, I bought a backyard sprinkler for them to play in. We made a "waterpark" in our backyard a lot this summer. Jackson however, did not want to run through it on the grass. He liked it to be on the cement so they could ride their bikes through it. I'm happy we found a way for them to enjoy the outdoors and stay cool in the meantime.
Our neighbors have the most friendly black cat that comes around every now and again. As soon as the boys see him in the front yard they want to run out and play with him. Jo Jo is so funny cause he gets soooo excited to see the kitty, but as soon as the cat gets close to him he runs away and gets really nervous. Unless I am there to help him pet him, he wont touch the cat.
Jackson thinks its fun when he rubs up and down his leg like cats do.
Maybe someday we will get a cat or our own... I sure hope so!!
What a fun idea to have a picnic! Maybe have to steal that one!
Fun summertime!! Maybe next summer you should be in Boise so we can play TOGETHER!! :)
I'm thinking you being somewhere closer for summer fun would be a very good idea.
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