Christmas is so fun with kids. The magic of it all is sparkles in their eyes.
A fun thing about having "Tender Tennessee Christmas's" is the holiday parades. (They don't have parades for the 4th, but they sure throw some good ones in December)
It is full of: Bundled up children, Candy tossing, Tractor pulling, Christmas Stockings, jingle belling ringing, Merry Christmas yelling, and the big guy in Red riding a top the Red fire engine!
A fun thing about having "Tender Tennessee Christmas's" is the holiday parades. (They don't have parades for the 4th, but they sure throw some good ones in December)
It is full of: Bundled up children, Candy tossing, Tractor pulling, Christmas Stockings, jingle belling ringing, Merry Christmas yelling, and the big guy in Red riding a top the Red fire engine!
When Justin got the tree set up Jonah exclaimed, "Wooow!!" and Jackson said "It's beautiful". Those words say it all...
Santa came to our ward party and the kids were so excited!! He came in at the end of the night when the program was about over. As soon as Jackson saw him he gasped and said, "Santa's here!!" He then ran from the back of the room where we were sitting right up to him. It was so cute to see his excitement. Here he is standing in line to sit on his lap.
I wondered how Jonah would do this year as last year he wanted NOTHING to do with him... he got right up there, but seemed a bit nervous.
Late the month we also took the boys to the winter wonderland at Bass Pro Shop. We just heard about it this year and was disappointed we didn't know about this the other years. They have free activities for the kids to do and free pictures with the big guy... that's right people, FREE!
Cookie decorating
Cookie decorating
Shot gun shootin' (come on, we were at Bass Pro Shop...)
We spent our Christmas vacation in Illinois with Justin's entire family. The night before we left, as the boys were cleaning up their toy room, they found a surprise package under the tree. There was a note saying that Santa heard we were going to Grandma and Grandpa's house for Christmas and he thought the kids might enjoy this gift for the ride there. He then told them that they had to keep being good boys and he would bring the rest of their presents to Grandma's on Christmas Day.
Any guesses at what it could be???
That's right! Duel Screen DVD player!! :)
Those little boys were smiling wide from cheek to cheek. Christmas just isn't Christmas with out those sweet smiles under the tree. I MISS you all TONS xoxox from grt-gama
I wish I could be there to see those sweet faces. Christmas really is for kids. Sure do love them and I'm really missing them lately.
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