Thursday, February 20, 2014


Sticking with tradition, my family signed up for the Ogden Marathon months and months in advance.  Because of our distance, we just didn't give much thought about going.  Bryce signed up for the half along with Lane, and Todd, Amy, Jamie, Whitney, & Mom were planning on doing the relay.
Well, this was before Bryce and Jamie knew they were going to be parents, and because Veda came into their lives they just didn't think Jamie would be making it out there for the relay.  That is where we come into play.  Lane called Justin trying to convince him to join.  Obviously it was a tempting offer and we thought why not make a little trip out of it.  Justin's Grandparents health is really going down hill, especially Grandpa Stevens and we have been wanting to go spend some time with them anyway.  So Justin, me, and Greyson flew to Utah for a few days with G&G Stevens and a few days in Ogden with my fam.  (Thanks to Donna and Bill for taking the older boys!)
*Side note:  Jamie did end up coming after she found out we were going but was more than happy to give up her relay spot.  I kinda wanted to run so my Mom (who never wanted to in the first place) gave up her leg to me.

We truly enjoyed our time with Grandma and Grandpa and were so glad to go visit and spend time with them.  Grandpa's dementia is getting quite bad and most of the time I'm not sure he knew who we were, but there were times that he seemed great and his sense of humor was still there!   

Grandma held Greyson as much as she could!  It was so sweet!  

Playing with Sam through the glass door.

The race was RAINY, and cold, and wet, and rainy, and COLD!  We were all really bummed about the weather this year.  Luckily momma came prepared and brought us all ponchos to wear while we waited at our various legs.  I was running the last one this time (the last 5k), so I had a long long time of waiting around.  Luckily there was also a warm bus to chill in for a while too.  Whitney was the leg before me and I convinced her to keep going and run with me.  Shes awesome!  I truly did horrible and it was so much harder than I anticipated, but she stuck with me.  

Justin leg number one and so he thought he would just try to go all the way and run the entire thing, which is a full marathon!  He didn't train for that though, and I kept telling him not to do it, cause I was worried about him hurting himself or something.  Of course, he gets his mind on something and he ran 4 out of the 5 legs!!  He was only 3.1 miles short of a full marathon--with NO TRAINING!  Luckily, he knew those last 3.1 would have killed him and he would have walked the whole thing, so he just ended it there.  (I found this shot of him and Amy running together on their website.  I thought it was a fun picture of them!)  

All the Relayers.  Team Blake Bombers! (Which ironically Lane chose the team name well before anything happened at the Boston marathon.  We were a bit nervous that we were going to flagged cause of the name!)

Everyone jokingly put their medals around Justin since he ran four of the legs by himself... crazy animal!

I wanted to new running shoes and ended up buying some at the expo.  Well they were fitted wrong and I ended up ripping off the toe nail of my big toe.  No wonder it was so hard for me to run.  That baby was black and blue for months afterwords!!

Wiped out from a long and fun trip.  He looks so tiny!


Audra said...

Wow! Was that the race Alaina ran in? I lost both my big toenails once and they were black and blue for months and it took a long time for them to grow back! Crazy!

Whitney Blake said...

I love that you are updating your blog again!! Wahoo! that was such a fun race. I'm so glad you let me run with you!