Thursday, March 13, 2014

Jackson's first day of Kinder

This day was the first day of a new era for the Johnson clan.  We have an elementary school child!  Jackson started his first day of all-day kindergarten!  He missed the cut off by 7 days to go into first grade, and although he was more than ready to have already been in school, we decided in the long run it will be better that he will be one of the oldest in his grade.  

We were also very excited because his elementary school started a duel language program this year for kindergartners.  He will be learning Spanish as well as English.   He will be in this program his entire elementary days, and by the end of 5th grade they say he will be fluent in Spanish!  What an amazing opportunity!!   

School is early though!  (A little too early if you ask anyone in our house)  He has to be out the door by 7:20 as they start at 7:40.  He is done by 2:00pm.  His first day was a drag getting him out of bed.  Poor guy!

His school is literally around the corner from us and about a block down.  It makes it really nice that its just a short walk away.  Here is his with his buddy Giana, who is in his class!

Walkin' my baby... makes me tear up a bit that he is so grown up!!

Dropping him off at his classroom.  His teacher, Ms. Huvaere helping him take off his Jacket and saying her "hello's"

And these cute boys were so excited to pick big brother up from school!  After he got home he just layed on the couch for awhile.  His neighbor friend came over to play and he answered the door and said, "I don't want to play right now cause I had a really big day at school!"  Wore him out, but he loved it!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Such a cute little kindergartener!! I can't believe how early the start! But I'm jealous that he's home by 2... Easton doesn't get home most days from the bus stop until 4:10. I wish it was at least an hour earlier.