Monday, March 30, 2015

Jubilant July

I felt bad for the big boys this summer since I knew we would be stuck at home for the most part with a newborn.  So their Daddy did special things with them as much as possible.
He took them on a long bike ride to the ice cream shop.  They LOVED that and talk about doing that again over and over.  

Jackson's mile run for the summer.  

Mini Put-Put!

Stake pioneer picnic

They also had a couple weeks of swim lessons which is always super fun for them.  We just love swim lessons with the park district.  It was a little tricky having the baby and chasing Greyson around.... but we survived.  

Speaking of Greyson, he is getting busy busy at 18 months old.  He gets in all sorts of mischief, as you can see in these picture documentation.   

We can't get him to eat much of anything, but he will eat a green marker.  Silly kiddo.  

And our sweet baby at a month old...

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