Saturday, October 11, 2014


I decided a visit to Idaho was way overdo.  I realized the last time that the kids had been in IF (Since we normally go to Jackson) Jonah was about 18 months old.  It was time...  So in March for Jackson Spring Break me and the three boys flew "home" for a week.  

I was nervous flying alone with all three boys and a big ol' preggo belly, so I recruited Donna to fly with me so she could visit her parents.  It was sooo helpful having her there and can't thank her enough.  Unfortunately we didn't coordinate it to fly home and I had to do that solo.  I was surprisingly pleased with how well it went that day (even with our 4 hour delay in Denver).  Greyson didn't sleep the entire day, but seriously, my kids rocked!  

We flew into SLC, so we spent the evening with Great Grandma and Grandpa Stevens.  It was so wonderful to see them.  

The first day I was bragging to Justin how amazing the weather was.  We were in the 60's and Belvidere was in the 20's!!  We spent the afternoon hanging out outside in the perfect Spring Break weather.  

The boys got to spend some time with cousin Melaina.  So fun that when we go "home" we get to spend time with Lane's family too!  Melaina and Jonah had somewhat of a love/hate relationship going on at times! ;)  But over all they were so cute together!  Aunt Whitney even babysat the boys for a while one afternoon so Mom and I could do some shopping.  Aunt Whit is the best!  She did crafts with them and made cupcakes... doesn't get better!

A day later we said goodbye to that beautiful Spring Break weather and woke up to this!  SERIOUSLY?!?  Justin was the one bragging then.  

So we enjoyed some snuggles on the couch watching Frozen with Grandma.

Greyson found some favorite places to play too...

While there I made it a priority to visit with some of my Idaho Peeps.  
Including Great Grandpa Purcell

Some high school besties: Emily and Heidi.  

The boys became quick friends with Emily's little girl Mary.  Such a cute picture! :)

And Hunka (Uncle) Jordan.  He was nice enough to stop by after a long day of rotation at the IF hospital.

The weekend came at the Boise Blakes came to visit!!  It was full of cousin fun!!

Amy and I had to compare baby bumps.  Same due date!!  

Saturday we drove to Pocatello and spent the day swimming at Hiesee Hot Springs.  It was so fun! 

Saying goodbye at the airport is always the hardest part :(

We LOVED our Idaho time.  We love and miss our family!  

Sunday, September 28, 2014

March Madness

March included:

A spontaneous evening trip to fro-yo.  Or as the boys call it, "The ice cream shop"

Jackson's basketball season.  Loving sports as always.

A new sledding hill at a near by town.  The hill had a sign that day that said it was "closed due to dangerous sledding conditions"  We found a number to call and they told us to go ahead and sled at our own risk, but that it was basically a sheet of ice.  It was.  No one got hurt.  We are good parents.  ;)

Greysons still not a fan of this snow stuff.

Hangin' with cousins Norah and Mollie.  Jojo and Norah wanted to do a sibling swap.

Baking and frosting green cookies with mom for St. Patricks Day.

And then there is this cutie!  He's getting way to big for his britches and doing all sorts of big boy things.  I walked around the corner to him sitting up on this chair and looking at a book all by himself!  He also started making the most amazing kissing face and gives the worlds best kisses!! 

Freezing February

February continued our cold snowy winter.  So there was some of this...

Sledding!!  This quickly became a favorite activity this winter.

Snow shoveling.  The boys FINALLY got their own shovels and were so excited to help dad shovel.  We ended up with quite the large piles of snow next to the driveway (they were taller than the boys!)

Valentine crafting...

Birthday celebrations...

Bed head... (I told him it looked like he was growing horns.  He's a pretty sweet devil)

Snuggling in bed lookin at books.  

Basket rides with baby bro!!

One Years Old

Poor Greyson spent a few weeks after turning one with some yucky winter sickness.  He got a bad case of bacterial conjunctivitis and looked so sad and sickly for a while there.  He also did a lot of whining and crying.   

Mama felt so bad for him and enjoyed some extra snuggles, but was more than ready for him to get back to his happy self.  Of course, when he did that just meant a whole lot of messes, messes, and more messes.  Such a busy boy!  This particular day was the first day he hadn't been clinging to me for over a week so I let him just go to town... it looked like a tornado hit!

Visiting daddy at work... oh and look, another mess! :)

This one was all on Daddy.  Mom was away and Dad was in charge.  Once he realized the baby was being a bit too quite behind the couch, he discovered why.  So he strapped him in the high chair and let him have at it. :)

He's actually been a pretty picky eater and we have a hard time getting him to eat much table food at all.  I'm still doing a lot of purees and keep trying to introduce real foods all the time.  Most things he wont even put in his mouth.  He automatically picks them up and throws it to the ground. He did like the pancakes this particular morning though.

At one years old he is such a good baby!  I love that he is still little enough to tote around in his infant carrier and will still fall asleep as we are out and about.  He's a go with the flow dude and it sure makes it nice for mama!!  We love him so much!