Friday, March 14, 2008

5 Generation Pictures

We went to Provo on Saturday morning to go visit Great Grandpa Moulton. We wanted to introduce Jackson to his great-great grandpa and take the opportunity to have 5 generation photos. It was so good to see Grandpa and to see him light up when he met Jackson. He couldn't hold him very good though since he is such a busy boy. Grandpa told me he never held a baby that moved so much! :) But he sure loved Jackson, he couldn't even keep his eyes off of him. It was a really neat experience. 5 Generations: Great-Great Grandpa Moulton, Great Grandma Gardner, Grandpa Blake, Mom, and Jackson.Aunt LeArta and Uncle J.R. also came over to visit with us. We then met up with Brad and Bree (my dad's cousin) and went to lunch as a group. It was really fun and I am glad that we got have such priceless pictures.


Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

what fun pics!! I have met your great grandpa before... I am pretty sure when we went to EFY? What an awesome way to preserve a little bit of your family history for your baby.

Emily Empey said...

That is so neat that you were able to get a 5 generation picture! You don't get 5 very often! treasure that pic!! family is fun... i love going to see family and going out to eat and making memories! families are the best!!! I love the post!!

TCB said...

I'm glad that Jackson got to meet his awesome great-great gramps! How was the JAZZ game?

Kim said...

Wow! That is amazing! And I a do remember your grandpa too and your aunt and uncle. Sometimes I drive by their house and remember when we stayed there for EFY and then hiked ourselves down to DT to visit what's his name!!! So FUN!!

Amy said...

How cool! I'm so glad Jackson got to go meet his great-great! Sounds like it was a fun weekend!

Jamie Blake said...

that is really tender!! i am glad you were able to do that!