Monday, April 13, 2009


All this week talking to my parents/grandparents and Justin's family, I was feeling a little down in the dumps that we were going to miss out on every one's Easter festivities. But it ended up being really fun to celebrate a holiday with our own little family. The Easter bunny came and filled up Jackson's basket full of goodies, but he didn't get it until after church and after his nap. It was great to go to church. Our ward actually had fast Sunday this week because of General Conference last week. I thought it was an interesting choice, but it really was neat sitting in fast and testimony meeting and listening to people bare their testimonies about our Savior, His life, and the Resurrection. It helped me reflect on my own testimony and how grateful I am for the holidays where we get to celebrate Jesus Christ.
I LOVED this picture of Jackson when he saw his basket for the first time... pure shout for joy! I got the basket out earlier last week and let him play with it and the eggs, but when he saw that there were other things in the basket he was thrilled. Then when he opened an egg and there was a treat in it this time, he wasn't quite sure what to do with himself. He loved it. I wasn't going to post the video because Justin said it wasn't really blog worthy, but since I told my mom we videoed him with his toy train, I figured she might want to see it at least. The train was still sitting out on the table this morning and he insisted that it was on the whole time while he ate his breakfast... haha silly boy!

We also had some nice friends who invited us over, along with some other friends, for an Easter feast. I was excited we didn't miss out on that... because what is Easter without Ham?! It was fantastic!


Amy said...

So cute! I can't believe how big he is. I'm glad you had a nice Easter! I think we got Easton that same train for Easter.

Abby said...

oh that is so cute. i want you to post more videos of him so i can see his cute little personality and hear him talk... so adorable.
happy easter!!

Audra said...

Its a cute train, and he is getting so big! Happy Easter!

Whitney Blake said...

So cute... I LOVE little Jackson, I miss him like crazy!

Kim said...

Now why was that video not blog worthy!? That was super cute! I am glad you had a happy Easter! we live in Utah and we still didn't even go anywhere, so don't feel bad!!

Jamie Blake said...

We missed you too during Easter time, but so glad your little family had fun! Love you guys!

Johnson Fam said...

The video was too blog worthy and this grandma enjoyed it TOO!! How fun.

Stephanie said...

Way cute picture and LOVE the video. Boys are just so cute w/ trains. You can ALWAYS come to Houston for a visit :o)

Diane said...

What a priceless expression on that cute little face. I know it' s hard spending holidays away from family especially for the first time. This year for the first time I'll be spending my birthday with no one around and that is killing me. Love the train.

Iola Blake said...

Yes, that was blog worthy. Who can resist that laugh. Thanks for posting it for me.