Thursday, April 23, 2009

Part 1

Here is the first of a few parts:
Last Monday we got news that my Great Grandfather passed away. (A post about that to come later) My brother Lane, who lives in Cincinnati OH, called me and made plans for us to fly out (Utah/Idaho) together so that we could be at the funeral. Unfortunately our spouses couldn't come, but we had a nice weekend with family.
Here is Lane and Jackson on the plane listening to the ipod. Jackson would take the ear bud and hold it up to his ear for the longest time just concentrating on the music. He was loving having his Uncle Lane there and did AMAZING on the whole trip. We spent a couple of days in Idaho at Grandma and Grandpas house. Of course, that mean Jackson gets spoiled with fun stuff and lots of attention. Grandma bought him a t ball set and he had a fun time playing with that. **Silly side note- I recently taught him how to say "eye ball" because Justin brought him home a ball from school that looks like an eye. Now he is confused and every time he sees any type of ball he calls it an eyeball! :) So baseball was "eyeball" the whole time!**
Then he got to go downtown to the River and see the ducks. The ducks were all staying in the water and weren't interested in the bread, but Jackson LOVED running along the river bank the whole time. He is constantly on the go.Then we went to Utah for a few days for the funeral and to hang out. I surprised my BF Kim by calling her and announcing that I was in Provo, and got to go spend a couple of hours with her. It was so nice to catch up and to see her. She is so happy with life and I'm so happy for her! Her baby Hallie is so adorable! Jackson had a good time saying her name.Aren't they the cutest couple?! Yes, Kim and I have already arranged their wedding, and this picture is for the wedding video! :)heeheeAnd last, Jackson and his favorite cousin Easton. These two boys absolutely LOVE each other and seriously get a long so great! We have tried quite a few times to get a good picture of the two of them, but of course two toddlers who don't sit still is hard to capture. However I was at the right place at the right time and they were in the right mood and I got some STINKIN cute pics! I was excited with them.
Until next time.... (this is all the pictures I got with my camera because it was acting up on me. So the next parts will be pictures courtesy my two sis-in-laws Amy and Jamie--who take better pics than me anyway)


Hil said...

OH MY GOSH! Those cousin pictures are so adorable! I LOVE IT! I wish we could get Jackson and Caleb together... Jackson reminds me so much of Caleb. (It helps that they have a lot of the same clothes!) :)

Amy said...

It was so great to see you... I LOVE the pictures of the boys. I'm burning you a CD right now and will get it in the mail... will you email me the full size pictures of the boys?

Johnson Fam said...

I loved Amy's post about your Grandpa....I'm so glad I got to see just a glimps of the celebration of his life. DANG CUTE pictures of Jackson and Easton.

Audra said...

So cute! He is getting to be such a bog boy! Him and Easton look like the same size! Those pictures are adorable.

Kim said...

awww. Those pictures are TOO cute of the boys. They are sure cute cousins. I also of course love the ones of him and Hallie. The husband and wifey. When I get around to it, I will post my pics and video of him saying Hallie too! Right now, I am just barely surviving taking care of all these boys! Love ya!!!

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Oh my gosh those last couple of pictures of Jackson and his cousin are priceless!!! So CUTE!!! I can't believe how big Jackson is getting!!! Him and Hallie sure are going to make a great couple in the near future!

Grandma Gardner said...

Can I say I'm a proud gate-gama!! Those pictures of the boys together are priceless. You do a good job, Haylee dear.

Whitney Blake said...

Looks like the fam had a good time getting together. Lane said that Jackson was really great on the plane so maybe the iPod helped??

Diane said...

The pictures are darling. I'm glad you got to make it to your Grandpas funeral. Those can be so hard.