Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"I'm a monster!"

Jackson is still keeping me constantly on my toes! The other day he found the stickers and came up to me looking like this declaring, "I'm a monster!"... you can say that again, I thought! :)
So this is what my monster has been up to these days:
  • He is talking more and more and says the funniest things sometimes. His naps have been hit and miss and the other day I asked him why he didn't take a nap. He said, "Its not dark. See the sun is up. The sun says for me its time to wake up!"
  • We have celebrated quite a few birthdays all in a row. He has been to 4 birthday parties since July and he is anxiously waiting for his to come (in a couple of weeks). While we were in Wyoming and Utah with family last week he was constantly going up to everyone and saying, "It's my birthday." He stated it so matter of factly you wouldn't have known he wasn't telling the truth if you didn't really know his birthday. He knows it is in "September" but he has no idea what that means.
    If you ask him what he wants for his birthday all he says is candles! I better not forget to put candles on that boys cake or he will be one disappointed birthday fella. Hey, it makes it pretty easy on me right?! And I asked him, "Jackson do you want to spend your birthday with your friends or with just Mommy, Daddy, and Jonah?" He thought about it for a sec and said, "Umm, my friends." Yeah Yeah Yeah, go figure!
  • He is starting a pre school group next week. 4 of us ladies in the ward are getting together to trade off "teaching" pre school with the kiddos. He is SO EXCITED! I have been telling him about it and he can't wait to go to school with his friends. He said to me today, "Mom, I'm going to school. You can't come with me. I am going by myself. Don't help me at school mom." He is Mr independent let me just tell you... ready to grow up, move out into the world, and leave this poor old mom to sit at home without him!!
  • He loves ABC's "Wipeout".... actually we all do! We have let him stay up later with us on Wipeout night and watch it and he loves it. Now he has been jumping on our chairs and couches saying, "I'm doing my wipeouts!"

Speaking of him being a monster, check out the next project he completed on his body.

Good thing they were washables! I was driving from Provo to SLC by myself with the boys. I had markers in his backpack that apparently was placed a little too close to him. He got them out and started coloring all over himself. I honestly couldn't do a thing about it since I was driving in heavy Utah traffic, so I told him to have fun! Fun did he have! This was on our way to pick Justin up from the airport so this is how his 2 year old greeted him!

Later that weekend, while we were staying at Justin's grandparents house, we tried to give him a nap in the spare room. We shut him in there a lone and little did we know he was going to find some scissors and try another art project. This time he snipped up the bedspread pretty dang good. Justin's mother ended up buying new bedding for that room.... dang child IS a monster; and really into arts and crafts! :)

He is a handful, but we love him SO MUCH!!


Jamie Blake said...

Aww Jackson . . . he is a cute little monster! And he's growing up so fast!

Keri said...

I love the last picture of him all markered up. I miss that little monster (and his mom too!).

Audra said...

Wow! What a monster! but a cute one! It's good that the stickers and markers are confined to his body and the scissors weren't! Poor bedspread, I admit I would have been furious if Kate did that!

Lant Family said...

What a silly kid :) He sure is keeping you on your toes. How fun you are going a preschool group. We just started down here and it is working out so good. You will have to let me know how yours goes.

Shurtliff Family said...

Oh my goodness! It is amazing what they can get into in 2.5 seconds. Crazy! Cutest little monster he is. ;)
I put a dark sheet folded in half (to make it even thicker and darker) over Jerika's drapes so that she thinks it's "night time" when she naps. Or you could use a dark blanket. It helps TONS! She sleeps LONGER and thinks it really is night time.
She's started to get up earlier in the morning too so I have put it up at night and then she sleeps in longer in the morning. Just an idea, if you were craving more free time and/or sleep. =)

Johnson Fam said...

My grandson is NOT a monster.......he is ALL BOY,,,but not a monster. AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.

Kim said...

haha...but what a cute monster! It was so good to see you, Jacks, and Jonah. I think your boys are the cutest ever. Sorry I was a drag...:) Next time I will be more fun, I promise!

Alisha said...

Your boys are super cute! Love the monster acts! I feel like I have a couple of those myself! LOL!

Amy said...

LOVE that marker picture, so classic! Easton apparently knows it's not fun to get cleaned up from that, because he hasn't colored on himself... just on his toys and his little brother! ahhhh! Jackson is so, so cute... he's growing up so much!

Iola Blake said...

A monster with all those smiley faces? No way! If he is a monster, he is sure a cute one!

Abby said...

OH man! Crazy kid. I think that's how my Ty is going to be. Yikes! But he is so adorable though. Funny markers all over him! haha. You've got the cutest little boys.

Andrews Family said...

Oh man, ha ha! Normally I just skim read blogs, but I couldn't stop reading that! He is too funny...of course it's easy to laugh, my child isn't mobile yet. She can barely hold onto her rattle let alone use markers. Anyway, it was so great to see you and "the boys".