Thursday, September 16, 2010

Late is better than nothing right?!

Remember how a few posts ago I said that Justin had a semester break? Yeah, well I'm just getting around to posting some of the fun we had as a family.

Our 2nd time at the Zoo this year. I really love the Zoo and all the animals. This day was perfect because it wasn't very crowed, the animals were pretty active, and the weather wasn't as bad as it has been this summer.

And what is a Zoo update without some pictures of the animals we saw?! This Gorilla was HUGE! I love this pic.
But our favorite was the new Teton Trek. The Grizzlies were especially playful. We got there at the perfect time to see them swimming in the water and this guy came and gave me a kiss! It was pretty crazy being face to face with a Grizzlie. Thank Goodness for the glass! :)
Here is a video of our playful bears!

Another day we headed to the River Walk Park and let the boys play around in the water. While we were there a reporter from the Memphis newspaper was doing a story and since we were literally one of the only people at the park, he followed us around taking pictures and we made our debut in the newspaper the next day.
This was our favorite part though. They have a huge hill that I have seen people sliding down... so we thought we would give it a try. It was really fun! Jackson loved it!

I love in the video how you can hear Jackson just laughing the whole way down and then at the very end he says, "Lets do it again!" The little bird sound in the background at the end of the video is Jonah! :)

And although this little guy didn't slide down the hill, he still enjoyed himself as well!! (*sigh*) Gotta love school breaks!!


Johnson Fam said...

OH what FUN.......I clicked on the sliding down the hill one and Jonah's picture keeps popping up??? But the bear video was way cool

Morgan said...

Oh my heck that hill was cracking me up! HAHA! GIMME SOME SNOW!
i love breaks too. hope you get em once in a while!

Alisha said...

Looks like a lot of fun! School breaks are awesome!

Amy said...

How fun! You guys were able to fit in a lot of activities! Cool gorilla picture too!