I am launching a new business called "Haylee's Holiday Greetings: Custom designed greeting cards made for you" And its hard to believe, but it is that time of the year again!
I would love if you all checked out the website to see what it is all about, and if you like my work I would love to design your christmas cards this year! Here are just a few examples of some of my cards... to see more, you gotta go check it out!

Thats not all, if you also add my button to your side bar I will offer another 10% discount. That is a total of 20% off your custom made Holiday Cards.
To add it on your side bar simply go to "Design", "Add a Gadget", "HTML/JavaScript" and copy and paste the code. (see my side bar to find my button)
Please spread the word to anyone you know! :)
Much thanks!!
Much thanks!!
You'll definitely be getting our business! We love them! Next step: we need a cute picture of the two of us. :) Until then.
How do you learn how to do all this stuff..like making links, and all that fancy stuff! Wow, I am way behind the times I guess. Good luck with everything! They look way cute, of course :)
You are amazing!!! I think this is so great. I am pretty sure that there will not be a Christmas card with me on it, but perhaps I will get some cute pics of Hals and have you make one with just her. OR...if I am too lazy to get that done in time (when I would not be doing any of the work ha ha ha haha... I will have you do baby announcements for sure! How about it.? PS. I loved your message. I need to call you back. Life has been dysfunctional lately. But I will do it someday! You just wait.
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