October 31st we celebrated Halloween, but more importantly we celebrated Jonah's first birthday!

Here's the little man with all his presents. We are so lucky to have grandparents and great grandparents who spoil our kids! Thank you to all of you!

He wasn't too sure what to do with the brightly wrapped presents and wasn't too interested in tearing the paper...

Good thing he has older brother though who waited pretty patiently but just couldn't wait to help out! Jonah didn't mind as he would rather play on top of the big boxes.

He was also pretty spoiled this year as he had Grandma Blake visiting from Idaho on his special day. Here they are playing in his new "Cars" tent.

And who wouldn't be excited to have a whole cake all to himself?!?

At first he got his hands gooey from the gel, then he started to pick off the reese's pieces, and
then he discovered the goodness of cake and started shoving it in!

By the end of the process he was so excited about the sugar high that he just couldn't contain himself any longer!! :)

We love our one year old!
Happy Birthday Jonah!! You have the cutest boys! They are both so handsome. So glad that Iola was able to be there to celebrate! Hope to see you guys soon!
Happy 1st Birthday Jonah! He's a doll Haylee!!! Looks like he had a great day!!!! I love the cake pictures... I wish Payton would have liked cake and dug into it.. oh well... maybe next year! :)
Haylee he is so cute and i can't believe that its been another year! And btw congrats on being called as young womens president! (i noticed it on facebook)
He is so cute! I love his hair! I'm glad he had a great birthday!
wow ONE YEAR??? thats crazy!! Jonah is such a doll! he looks JUST like you! its adorable! Jackson is sure getting big too! I MISS YOU! glad he had a great day!
I love that last picture- what a classic! Happy (late) birthday to our sweet nephew, Jonah! Give him lots of hugs and kisses for us.
Oh my goodness look how your family has grown!!! How are you guys?! You have such a beautiful little family!!! Hope you guys are doing great! Glad we found you :)
What a cutie! he looks so old in the pictures! You always dress the boys so handsomely too. Glad your mom got to be there for the big day too. Looks like he LOVED that cake :)Atta boy!
OH I LOVE IT!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE that last picture.
Oh.... happy happy birthday cute little Jonah man! I really can't believe how quickly they grow up! I wish we were closer so our boys could play and grow up together!!!
He is such a little doll. I had so much fun being there to celebrate his big 1st! It was fun to spend time with both of those precious boys. Love them, love them.
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