Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jonah- 15 mo.

Our little guy is 15 months and has changed so much in the last little while.  At 15 months:

-Jonah is officially classified as a walker.  He took his first steps forever ago and I was certain he would be walking all over the place within a few days of that.  Well he took his sweet old time, but as of this week he has taken off with the walking.  
-He is a happy camper if he can hold something in his hand while he cruises around the house or if he can find something little enough to suck on and have it hang out of his mouth.  His FAVORITE thing to walk around with is the bottle of Children's Allergy medicine. (Don't worry...we've made sure the child proof lid is working) :)
-Doesn't really say any words, but signs a lot of words.  Please, thank you, all done, milk, eat, cracker, more, bird, dog, cat, grandma.  He does say "ma ma" and "da da"
-Recently learned the word "Uh Oh" and likes to play the "I drop it, you pick it up over and over" game.
-Loves his brother Jackson
-likes reading books
- loves to color, even though this is a battle because he likes to eat the crayons while he colors.
-Gives the BBBBBEEEESTTTT kisses and hugs
-Smiles, laughs, plays and brings so much joy to our family.
-Getting a little stubborn streak in him.  He gets mad if you take away what he wants to play with and keeps going back and back for more even after being told "no".
-Is becoming a monkey!  Loves to climb on chairs, boxes, and basically anything his level (even the dryer)

LOVE him!


Kim said...

What a cutie! I can't believe how old he is getting.

John and Rachel Erickson said...

I hope my boys are as cute as yours.

Alisha said...

Super cute!

Emily Empey said...

wow! he has gotten so big! it goes so fast! he is so cute!

Johnson Fam said...

OH SO DARN CUTE!!! He really has taken off. Love the dryer picture.
Give them both hugs and kisses from Ala Grandma

Audra said...

Our babes are so similar! I need to just copy and paste this into my blog and change the name! I won't though!

Iola said...

I love him too!!!!! Can't wait to see both those boys in the next week.

Whitney Blake said...

They are both so cute! Little Jonah has changed so much since I have seen him last. We need to get together for a visit.