As I was browsing Pinterest I was noticing a lot of fun ideas about involving children in General Conference. I took a few ideas and came up with something like this and we LOVED the way it turned out.
The kids woke up and were so excited to watch Conference and try out the activities. In fact, after the Saturday afternoon session was over, Jackson cried because we told him he had to save the rest for Sunday.We have all of the apostles taped on a bag, and as they took their turn to speak, the boys got to do their coordinating activity.
Jackson really got into it. In fact, we had a few that just had some coloring pages, and Jackson colored all of them so well. He took his time and probably colored these pages through two or three speakers.
We loved this and will keep this as a tradition during conference. In fact, this is the first time in a really long time where I felt I was able to listen to most of the talks. I took Elder Holland's challenge from last conference to truly pray for something specific that I needed to hear. It was amazing as the two things that I prayed for were confirmed and answered through the Lord's chosen servants.
I know that God lives and that Jesus Christ is my Savior. I know that Christ's true gospel was restored and is on the Earth. I am grateful to be a member of this church. I also know that President Thomas S. Monson is a prophet of God and speaks to God to deliver His message to the world. This conference was such an uplifting and spiritual experience for me to listen to His word through His apostles. I testify that message from God were spoken DIRECTLY TO ME through their words.
***I had a couple of people ask what the activities were, so if you are interested here they are... if not, you can skip this part. We basically took random things that they could play "quietly" with while watching. And some weren't even activities, they were snacks that they could sit and eat while watching. (one bag had apples that I cut up when it was time, popcorn that I popped, fruit snacks, a cup of cereal, etc.).
We laid out a blanket and the rule was that they had to stay on the blanket and eat their snack or do their activity. This helped control the play and helped them to realize that it was quite playtime.
Some activities were
We laid out a blanket and the rule was that they had to stay on the blanket and eat their snack or do their activity. This helped control the play and helped them to realize that it was quite playtime.
Some activities were
1-hot wheel cars (they love to line them up and drive them around on blankets)
2-play do
3- stickers and construction paper
4- construction paper tie to decorate (I cut out polka dots and put crayons, glue sticks, and yarn in the bag)
5- books (I just put a couple in the bags, but then when they picked that one they were allowed to get more books to look at)
6- we have some connecting toys (similar to legos) in one
7- a couple "learning games" I made with a color wheel, flashcards, and clothespins
8- those craft pipe cleaner things (can't think of the real name)
9- LDS coloring pages printed online somewhere
Hope that helps give you an idea!!***
I love that idea!! Could you post what were in the bags or email it to me or something?
I love your conference idea... I'd love to know what your activities were too :)
Thanks guys! I added a list of my ideas at the bottom of the post if you want to check it out.
The fish tie was so cute! Jackson loves to color and he does such a great job.
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