Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Jackson's Birthday Continuation

Jackson's birthday celebration actually started the weekend before his birthday.  His Uncle Jeff came to visit us and we packed in some fun while he was here.  

We took him to a few of our favorite places such as:
Gus's fried Chicken

Jerry's famous snow cones (Its pretty much a hole in the wall, but, yummm... look at that goodness!!)
and Shelby Farms new amazing park

But our favorite activity was the Ole Miss Vs BYU football game!  We decided to buy Jackson a new football and tickets to the game.  He was so excited to open it.  

The game was the first game of BYU's season and when we heard it was in Oxford (about 2 hrs away) we knew we wanted to go.  Of course Jackson loved it, and Jonah did too.  
We ended up with awesome seats right behind one of the field goals in a huge BYU fan section.  I was actually quite surprised at how many BYU fans there were.  
The seats were so good in fact that we made it onto National TV... see here we are! ;)
This is what he thought of his present and the game... a big fat thumbs up!


Alisha said...

You're famous!!! What a fun looking park!!!

Iola said...

Yeh, I could tell exactly who you were! NOT! Wish I could be there for Jackson's birthday.