I put him down for his nap and specifically moved a tub of eucerin cream out of his reach on his dresser. He happily and quietly stayed in his room for 2 hours, but never slept. I braced myself before walking in thinking that he probably found something to destroy; little did I know it was going to be this: His smiling face stripped down to his diaper (we are lucky he had his diaper on since that is usually missing as well. Oh yeah, that's because if you'll notice it is duck taped on. We tape it only at nap time because of another incident similar to this one but with poop.) But what is all over him you ask?! Yup. He found a way to get to that eucerin cream.
Under the crib lay some Tupperware containers full of baby clothes that were perfect stepping stools. It was ALL OVER his room. Literally. The pictures don't do justice. (Luckily it was on a weekend and Justin was there to help clean this up and Jonah was napping at the time. We made Jackson sit in the crib while we cleaned it. He kept wanting to talk and thought it was pretty fun, but we ignored him. We didn't even look at him in hopes that he would realize we were serious about how this was so not okay.)
Under the crib lay some Tupperware containers full of baby clothes that were perfect stepping stools. It was ALL OVER his room. Literally. The pictures don't do justice. (Luckily it was on a weekend and Justin was there to help clean this up and Jonah was napping at the time. We made Jackson sit in the crib while we cleaned it. He kept wanting to talk and thought it was pretty fun, but we ignored him. We didn't even look at him in hopes that he would realize we were serious about how this was so not okay.)
Soon he comes up to me and says, "Uh Oh. Wash Binky." He dipped that Binky in the tub of cream and it was caked on. That is when we knew the Binky was a goner. I told him it was yucky and ruined and told him we had to get rid of it and throw it in the garbage. I made him hold it and throw it in so that he could see what was happening. (At first he threw it in the sink, but I told him I couldn't wash it)
He actually has done great without the Binky. At first when he would ask for it we would ask him to tell us where it was and he would say "Garbage." He sleeps good at night without it but ever since we have gotten rid of the Binky we have had NO NAPS!!! Yes, he isn't even 2 1/2 and he has dropped his naps. Ridiculous. We broke down once during Christmas when he was sick and bought him a new one, but once we left Grandma's we told him it had to stay there.
So, orange and turquoise Binky, farewell to you.
Ana was about 18 months when she stopped napping everyday. She'd take a nap about every other day until she was 21 months and she hasn't napped since. (except occasionally if she was sick or something.) I wouldn't even know how to get a kid down for a nap that wasn't in a crib. We also had a similar incident with Ana and Desitin when she was less than two, only we caught her after only 15 minutes, but it was all over her legs and a dolly's bum.
Oh my word! Yeah we have the same problem with Joel and poop. It must be the age when disaster happens. How was the clean up process.
I just left a bigole comment, but I'm not sure it worked :( What a HUGE mess... and really sorry about no naps! Easton is starting to do the same thing!
Oh wow!!! He really got into the Eucerin cream! On the positive side, the binky is gone! How long did that take to clean up?
Oh my heavens, that is a HUGE mess! I heard the story, but those pictures! You guys are seriously the best parents though. Way to go on the whole situation, you handled it well.
Ooh, that looks loads of fun to clean up. And duct tape is such a versatile tool. It deserves an award. Maybe you can start duct taping the eucerin cream? :)
OH MY GOSH!! I would have died! I guess I am lucky, Kate has never gotten into anything like that! I am glad she never had a binky and I am about to wean Daniel from his. I agree with Season, duct tape the jar! We did have a problem with Kate getting into her poopy diaper but I started putting onesies on her until she stopped trying.
OMG goodness! That little boy of yours got into a little bit of trouble! I am sure I will see something similar someday!
Thank you for the comment on our house pictures. It was a long time coming! I tried to make it look okay with the decorations, but I have a lot to do! Thanks again! Hope you are doing great!
You seem to win the dramatic award for these past two years. (Not because you made the drama, but because you've had some dramatic things come your way) =) Gees. Hope everything is well now. I guess on the up-side the binky IS gone. Crazy, crazy!
i bet that was fun to find! how did you ever clean all that up? i'm so nervous to switch luke to a bed now! (we are dragging our feet on that one - he's still in a crib) oh, and sorry about the naps thing. that would be hard with a new baby. that is the only time i sleep. hey, did you do our vt-ing this month? call me and tell me if you want me to send an email or call.
What a mess!!!! ;-)
Now that is a real mess! My gosh.. I was having major problems with my son's binky use; well actually it was more along the lines of a binky addiction!! My friend absolutely raved about the cut method, and all of the psychology behind it. She found it on www.bye-bye-binky.com , which is great that it was also free. We went with it and OMGosh... worked so beautifully for my son with NO tantrums, not even one! Thank you God. Five days later he did not want anything to do with his binky. What a relief it was to all of us to finally be done with those darn binkies. Highly recommended! I am also interested in others experiences.... Bella
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